Confused Clowns…

Event Date

Dec 14, 2017


The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

9 behemoths swole up their already humongous brawns because it was the equitable, righteous thing to do:

Warm-Ups: Q was late, sorry. Skipper led 3 lame FIA, pre-Q warm-ups unworthly to mention in detail…

  • SSH – 50IC
  • Copperhead Squats- 25IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 25IC
  • Low Country Crab Cakes – 25IC
  • Cotton Pickers- 10IC
  • LBH Mosey, meet in the playground (for real Confused Clowns)

The Thang:

Happy 3-Some Meat Grinder:

  • Hanging Toe Touches – 15
  • Little Baby Dips – 25
  • Australian Rows – 20
  • Block Trifecta Curls for Girls – 15 30

LBH Mosey, meet @ the parking lot entrance (for real Confused Clowns)

  • LBH Quadraphilia
  • LBH Quadraphilia
  • LBH Quadraphilia, meet in the playground

Happy 3-Some Meat Grinder:

  • Hanging Toe Touches – 15
  • Little Baby Dips – 25
  • Australian Rows – 20
  • Block Trifecta Curls for Girls – 15 30

LBH Mosey, meet @ the parking lot entrance (for real Confused Clowns)

  • LBH Sprint
  • LBH Sprint
  • LBH Sprint
  • LBH Lunge Walk, meet in the parking lot


  • LBC – 25IC
  • Jane Fonda – Right – 25IC
  • Jane Fonda – Left – 25IC
  • Low Dolly – 25IC
  • Freddie Mercury – 25IC
  • Fire Hydrant – Right – 2IC
  • Fire Hydrant – Left – 2IC


  • 3 sets of 30 – 50 Merkins @ least every other day: Stop, drop, Merk!


But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,


Matthew 5:44 ESV

Loving those that are making poor choices, some more than others. Always praying for my PAX.


– Thy Confused Clowns had no idea what to do @ the top of the LBH, loved every minute of it!

– I am usually on time, not sure what happened? Ha! Sorry!

– Should have worked in some pull-ups for MetroDog! Maybe tomorrow after the fun run!

Respectfully & gratefully,
