Congratulatory Convergence at BRP

17 of ISO's….. lets call it second strongest PAX coverged to Bailey Road Park to congratulate 24(25?) of ISO's strongest who completed the Quarter Ruck last night. Here's what went down


2030 on 5/13: A group of PAX were watching the launch of the Quarter Ruck. YHC convinced Crocs to call a convergence of The Estate to come over to BRP (at Hough today) to congratulate the end of the Quarter Ruck


The Thang

We lifted rocks, did some pull ups, ran up a few hills, did some burpees, and all in all got in a good beatdown by all accounts, but that's not what today was about.


In the midst of our beatdown the Quarter Ruck guys were making their way back for the last 45 minutes or so of their time. These PAX put it all out there the past 12 hours and stayed together and pushed each other. I couldn't imagine doing something like that (and don't ask cause I won't be doing one) but hats off to you men, incredible job!


Look out for CSAUP events that interest you. A great way to build relationships and push yourself along the way


Until next time……. Mr. Holland