Connect the Dots

Event Date

Mar 09, 2016

4 pax rallied at discovery place kids wednesday night looking for a beatdown.  This is what they got.

Warm Up

  • Mosey up the stairs
  • Windmill x10
  • Toy Soldier x10
  • Cotton Pickers x10

The Thang

Line Drills

Over and back

  • feet together x 30
  • stepping x 30
  • single leg hop x15 each leg

Side to side

  • feet together x 30
  • stepping x 30
  • single leg hop x15 each leg

Pax were given a piece of chalk and shown how to draw the dot patter (an elongated 5 pattern on a die) and shown the sequence throughout

The sequences can be seen in this video

The pax did the first dot sequence 5 times and then ran down the stairs and did 5 Hand release merkins at the bottom then back up the stairs

Sequence 1-2, then down to the bottom for 5 HR merkins and back to the top

Sequence 1-3, down stairs for 5 HR merkins in the basement

Sequence 1-4, down for 5 HR merkins

Sequence 1-5, down for 5

10 count

Sequence 1, crawl bear down 5 parking spaces, 5 burpees, mosey back

Sequence 1-2, crawl bear 4 spaces, 4 burpees

Sequence 1-3, 3 spaces, 3 burpees

Sequence 1-4, 2 spaces, 2 burpees

Sequence 1-5, 1 space, 1 burpee

10 count

Sequence 1, down the stairs, 1 over the wall and back

Sequence 2, down the stairs, 2 over the wall and backs

Sequence 3, down the stairs, 3 over the wall and backs


Bullet-Low Flutter

Frogger-WWII sit ups

Billy Bob-LBCs?

Freedom – cant remember

Thought of the night- when you get down on your work, be thankful for the job you have because there are countless people who are doing everything they can to be in your place


Thanks for coming out tonight!  Great to see frogger and he stepped up for a Q in two weeks!

Sounds like the Night Ranger guys are converging on the night at the range in mooresville next week.  Keep an eye out for confirmation on twitter.

Absolutely perfect night to work out and the porch at harveys hit the spot after.  Old bay wings at harveys are some of the best wings I've had in a long time.

Thanks for letting me lead tonight, i had a good time and was pretty spent after.  Good mix hard breathing and mumblechatter.

