Conspiracies and Frogs Abound

Event Date

Jul 18, 2024

Six @F3Isotope HIM boarded The Caboose and departed Sbux Gilead at 5:31 for a tempo run.  We headed towards Rosedale where the train took a left to roll on the Torrence Creek Greenway for two miles before turning around and completing the 4.5 mile out and back. Along the way, the PAX enjoyed lively mumblechatter about the Secret Service, the CIA and presidential assassination attempts; while artfully dodging the plethora of frogs on the Greenway (only one casualty at the hands…well, foot actually…of the Q).

It was a great morning and all the PAX pushed themselves today. Great work men!

Prayers were offered for S’mores and UM and his family.

Afterwards, some of the PAX held Coffeteria at Lowes Foods, as Starbucks Gilead fartsacked and missed their planned reopening  
