Constant Motion


Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) reluctantly signed up to Q today's workout at the Great Estate after being "cornered" by Rooter at NY Bagel a couple of weeks ago during a gathering after the 7th anniversary beatdown at the AO.  It sounded like a good idea.   After all, YHC was the master Q of The Estate for almost two years.  It should be easy right?  

Well, the last time YHC Q'd any workout was October 13, 2018!  While catching up on Grey's Anatomy episodes last night instead of planning a workout, YHC worried about being prepared.  Worry soon turned to relief as the old weinkies sitting on a shelf saved the day. YHC pulled one that seemed doable for a guy who ran over 2,000 miles in the last two years.

The Pax of The Estate offered YHC grace and followed along with few (no?) complaints or heckling.  Here's how it went down:

Start at the Field House area – Recite the Pledge of Allegiance


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20 In-Cadence (IC)
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 20 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 20 IC
  • Apollo Ono x 20 IC

Mosey to the Bus Lot.


Constant motion is the theme.  Run across the bus lot (18 bus parking spots) and do another exercise.  Run back to the start and do an exercise.  Rinse and repeat.  Focus on form for every exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Mountain Climber x 20 IC
  • Little Baby Crunch x 20 IC
  • Slow Squats x 20
  • Slow 'Merican x 10 IC
  • Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
  • Reverse Lunge x 20 IC
  • Carolina Dry Dock x 15 IC
  • Plank Jack x 15 IC
  • Line Jumps x 30 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 20 IC
  • Burpees OYO x 15
  • Mason Twist x 17 IC
  • Shoulder Touch 'Mericans x 15 IC

Run around the bus lot track (1/8 mile) and head to the Loading Dock.

  • People's Chair for 50 seconds
  • Protractor for 50 seconds (30,60,90,60,30 degree angle with hands on the ground and feet on the wall for 10 seconds in each position)
  • People's Chair for 70 seconds
  • Protractor for 50 seconds

Mosey to the Smoker's Lounge.

  • Two sets of 15 dips IC

Mosey back to Field House area and grab a cinder block from the Dumpster Cage

  • Low Curls x 10 IC
  • High Curls x 10 IC
  • Full Curls x 10 IC

Re-deposit cinder blocks and move to the parking lot for Mary


  • Homer to Marge a few times (nice and slow)
  • Rosalita x 10 IC
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • Box Cutter x 10 IC
  • Front Leaning Rest for 60 seconds



  • Rooter – thank you for prodding me to Q today. A workout at The Estate is a great way to kick off a Saturday.  Running is great but so is a boot camp.
  • Baller – I told you during the workout (when you asked) that I don't work in the health field but I recognize that proper exercise form is what has kept me injury free all these years. At 48 years old, it's even more important so I work that principal into my instructions when I'm the Q.  I figure I'd share that with the other Pax as well.
  • Elmers – I heard you comment in the bus lot that you like the workouts where all the Pax stay together – me too.  Part of why I like F3 so much is the fitness but the fellowship is equally as important.
  • Frodo – thanks for pointing out that my math skills during the workout betray the fact that I'm a finance professional.  Let me explain again: If I short you 10 seconds on one rep and tell you that you owe me 20 seconds on the next rep, that's not bad math.  You just didn't factor in the interest rate.
  • Respect to the guys who realize age is just a number: Two 50+ guys (Hasselhof, Elmers) and one 60+ guy (Marker) setting the example for the rest of the crew.
  • Gentlmen – it was an enjoyable morning.  Looking forward to the next time!

With thanks,
