Continuous Downhill Loop?

Event Date

Jun 02, 2018

The morning started with a welcome to Pusher (later be know as peddler), some chit chat with the RR10k gents, then we were off up and out out the Estate parking lot.  As we put in some warm up distance Pusher asked "how does this workout go, where are we headed" YHC didn't give a clear answer, yet.

Top of Carrington ridge for some warm up

SSH X 20

Toy Soldier X 15

Mountain Climber X 15

Carrot Tugger X 15

Running!  through Carrington Ridge we go, as we made it towards the bottom, BEP asks if I've found the first continuous downhill loop….unfortunately I did not.  So we rounded the bottom and ran up the long Bud Henderson hill.  Arghh I hate this hill.

Top of the hill plank

Hip Dip X 10 each side

Merkin X 10

Reverse the loop, down Bud Henderson, and back up Carrington Ridge to the entrance

LBC X 15

something else X 10

YHC – "Hey PAX, which of those was worse?"  Answer "That revers one starting down Bud Henderson"  So…..

Back down Bud Henderson we go, made the 3rd lap, back to top of some ab excercises, then back to home base. 


Moleskin:  Pretty darn good day I think.  As Pusher said, only 1 way to get better at running hills, get out there and run a bunch of them.  Speaking of which Pusher had a solid first lap, crushing that hill..  Pusher, good to have you visit and run with us hope you enjoyed, we'd love to have you back anytime, and check out RR10k on Saturdays at 0500 if you're looking to add some distance and double down.  BEP, I tried, but failed to find the more downhill, problem is what goes down….must come up.  Freedom good to see you improving the endurance.  We covered 4.0 miles, with a bunch of hill work and mixed pain.  4 of us made it, and 4 of us doubled down with The Estate.  Hope all enjoyed the run.  The Q list for Excelsior is still fairly open, so sign up,before I start doing this every week.