Continuous Flow

Event Date

Oct 22, 2019

Five daily commuters made their way to the Quarry on a damp and rainy morning to be schooled in the ways of Continuous Flow.  Early exit polls seemed to indicate the indoctrination was effective


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang:

Continuous Flow

45 seconds of high intensity of each of the following exercises followed by a 20 second rest

  1. Mercans

  2. Burpees

  3. Squats

  4. High Knees

  5. Decline Mercans

  6. Lunges

  7. Plank

  8. Mountain Climbers

  9. Calf Raises

  10. Sprints

  11. LBC's

  12. CDD's

  13. Apollo Anton Ono's

  14. Incline Mercans

  15. 6 Inches

  16. Mason Twists

  17. WWII's

  18. Mercans

  19. Burpees

  20. Squats

  21. High Knees

  22. Decline Mercans

  23. Lunges

  24. Plank

  25. Mountain Climbers

  26. Calf Raises

  27. Sprints

  28. LBC's

  29. CDD's

  30. Apollo Anton Ono's

  31. Dips


Sampler pack across the Pax

  • Low dolly – Double Double

  • Box cutter – Grip

  • Low flutter – Twister

  • Windshield wipers – Natty

  • LBC – Vic-20


  • Early feedback on the new continuous flow intersection at 16 and MHH is that the flow is not exactly continuous

  • Enough of all of this low brow humor with sending around salacious memes and raunchy continuous flow references. Let’s try and step it up a notch, shall we? How about a discussion of The Iliad?

  • Curling with all-star curlers really helps one step up their game. No, they don’t drink lite beer. Some things are still sacred in the sport.

  • Workout borrowed and repurposed from El Tigre’s HIIT workout. I find myself preferring workouts these days that require little to no counting

  • Overheard during the workout – "This is tiring". Hilarity, graphic visuals and jocularity ensue

  • Is that an F3 app you are using to time these reps? Should that be an app we can develop?

  • We added a 31st rep at the end a la Baskin Robbins 31 flavors

  • The commute to Ballantyne from MIL sucks. Just give it some time

  • Grip does a spot on impersonation of Mrs. Double Double

  • It was a really quick circle time, announcement and prayer with rain showers causing it to be short and sweet. The man still knows what is on our hearts though

  • That was solid. Great work fellas!