Honestly, it has been a long time since I've Q'd a workout. I enjoy setting up Q's at Mad Scientist on Wednesdays. So when Holiday and I decided to do a Master Q switch-a-roo, I was thrilled. Hollywood is a great AO. Too bad we did not utilize it though. The wildly popular BlackBeard (Qing Gaga) and I schemed up a plan to converge at Lake Norman Baptist Church for most of the workout. It is about a mile from each of our AOs so running was the deal of the morning. The plan was flawless. The weather was good. The PAX were smoked and there was planty of opportunity for mumble chatter.

Here's what we did (per BlackBeard)

Dora 1-2-3. After partnering up, a short, 1/8-mile loop was defined for parter 1 to run while partner 2 completed the exercises AMRAP style. When partner 1 returns he picks up with the count as his partner runs. Repeato until all reps are done for all exercises:

  • 100 merkins
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBCs

Because the pax are so fit and were able to complete the work in record time, we added 40 combined #Metro burpees (skip the pushup) per the preceding process. After all were finished with their 640 combined reps, I announced "the test of the emergency Gaga convergence had ended and the pax were free to return to their regularly scheduled Hollywood programming."

The Gaga threesome proceeded to run a modified Indian-style run back to Robbins Park which took until 6:16 to complete. Folliowing a bathroom trip, we circled up for a quick prayer and headed to Madalyn's for coffee where we were reunited with the Hollywood bretheren.


I enjoyed meeting some PAX I've never met before: Scar, Caesar, Big Rock, Major Tom, Jazz Hands. You guys did awesome this morning. I look forward to getting to know you better.

Binary and Oyster are always solid and impressive in their 50's. I am inspired.

The Force was looking like hulkster when he went chip and dale. Nice work.

Schneider. I hope your leg heals up. I didn't realize that much running might not be good for you. Blame it on BlackBeard, or better yet Burnsey.

Thank you, Etch, for your friendship. I know you normally haven't posted on Wednesdays. Thanks for coming out this morning.

Several guys ran from and back to their homes in Birkdale. Impressive.

Holiday. Your leadership at Hollywood is stellar. I wasn't sure if any PAX would show. You've got a solid group of go-getters. Thank you for the opportunity to Q. I hope you found Mad Scientist to deliver the pain you ordered.

I celebrate 2 years with F3 at the end of this month. I am grateful to Jimmy O for consistently inviting me to post. You did not give up on me and I appreciate that. I am so thankful to God for you and our friendship.

I'd like to personally invite any of you PAX to be my personal guest/friend at the church I pastor: Radiant Life Fellowship. We meet at Blythe Elementary School (Hambright Road) on Sundays at 10am. Youth and Children's Ministries. We're not flashy but we are authentic and friendly and you'd recognize a host of F3 guys and their families. It would be an honor for me/us to see you and help you connect. www.radiantlifefellowship.org

Continue to pray for each other,

Tweetsie (aka Pastor Chris Thompson) chris@radiantlifefellowship.org