Cooler Temps Quicken the Paces & Bring Back the Kotters!

Event Date

Sep 16, 2020

7 Pax showed up for the 3rd Wednesday of the Month and ran The Revolt reverse Teeter to Teeter route this morning. 

It was an enjoyably cooler and less humid morning and suprisingly, there we not as many Pax present as anticipated with the 55 degree gloom.  That being said, the sub-60 temperature did bring Journey back out!  Welcome back to The Revolt!

The cooler temps resulted in Sandbox keeping his shirt on & aided in faster paces with Fairy Godfather PR'ing his 5k, YHC PR'ing the Reverse T2T route, and of course, Hulka being the day's Legend on the Strava greenway segment parallel to Old Canal Street. 

YHC had a bonus sighting & shout-out to Optimus in front of the 2nd Teet as he was wrapping up his Standard before Half Life.  

It was a great morning for a run & all Pax present did a great job.  It's always encouraging and enjoyable putting in the miles with these men.  #ISI  
