Cooler than yesterday and easier than Thursday, right? Right?

Event Date

Jul 06, 2024

NINE brave souls took on the morning heat and humidity expecting Sonar to take it easy on them.

After all, he promised that the workout would be easier than Thursday’s 1776 beatdown.

It was – but not by nearly as much as some would have hoped.


15 SSH

15 Squats

15 Cotton Pickers


Start with a slow Indian Run

Line up at the bottom of the parking lot for some suicide work

  • Run to 1st line (20 yds) – do 1 rep – run back
  • Run to 2nd line (40 yds) – do 2 reps – run back
  • Run to top (60 yds) – do 3 reps – run back.
  • Then a SLOW mosey/walking lap to get the heart rate back down (cut the lap shorter for walking)

Round 1: Straight-up Suicides (no exercise)

Round 2: ‘Merkins with our suicides

Round 3: LBCs with our suicides

Round 4: Squats with our suicides

Round 5: Burpees with our suicides

HALFTIME (2-minute rest)

Unwind what we just did – start with 3 at the top, then 2 in the middle, and one at the 1st line.  Then mosey your lap in the reverse direction

Round 6: Burpees with our suicides

Round 7: Squats with our suicides

Round 8: LBCs with our suicides

Round 9: ‘Merkins with our suicides

No time for round 10


5 Dr. W


1 Corinthians 16

13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. 

14 Let all that you do be done in love.

I learned this passage during the “Stepping Up” program that several of us took part in nine years ago.  It really stuck with me.  Anytime I find myself wandering mentally about how I should be conducting myself or what I should be focusing on as a man, I remind myself of this verse and it points me back in the right direction.


  • This was a re-hash of a workout from way back in 2015, not long after we completed that “Stepping Up” program / bible study. Same sentiments apply today.
  • This turned into a sweat-fest and suck-fest REALLY fast.
  • Nice turnout on Saturday for a few weeks now. Let’s keep that going!
  • Awesome efforts to push hard but make sure we didn’t pass out.
  • A little birdie paid us a special Saturday visit! Great to have you with us today, Sparrow!
  • Great to have Soldier out again before he heads off to school.  I’d say farewell but he’s got a few more workouts to show up for first 😉 
  • There was a SIXTY-year gap from war-daddy to war-baby today. AWESOME!
  • This workout was originally performed on a much cooler September morning at 5:30am for 45 minutes. Scaling it up to 60 minutes, more rounds, higher temperatures, higher humidity, and the sun beating down made it significantly more challenging than it looked on paper.
  • Prayers up for Sparrow’s sister, Paula; Clark’s upcoming surgery next week, and Sonar’s potential job opportunities.
  • Great time at Coffeeteria at Cabbella’s, as usual.  Would love to see more of you there – even if you don’t make it to the workout.
  • As always, it is an honor to be allowed to ‘lead’ and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.