Core, Hills & exceptional company

Event Date

Sep 02, 2023


3 HIMs out for a core focused POST plus some hill work.

Mosey to the Amphitheater for Warm-aroma: SSH IC X 20, slow Windmill IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15, runners stretch right for 5 count hold then flip flop.

Core work at the Amphitheater – on your 6 for: cough press abs then hold for 5 count, lower body crunch X 10 count, full straight leg crunch X 10 count, 7 count crunch burner X 7, elbow plank hold for 1:30 minutes, elbow plank to full plank X 5 count, double leg twist then hold for 5 count then flip flop, single leg twist then hold for 5 count, repeato. Recover.

Mosey to the picnic table for: step ups OYO each leg X 10, bench dips X 10 count, Repeato 

Mosey to K2 for Hills – 50% run to Midway bench, full sprint to top bench, Repeato, Repeato. Iso something something (basically backwards) walk to midway bench then jog to top bench, repeato.

Back to the Amphitheater – cough press abs for 5 count hold, Peter Parkers X 10 count, SSH IC X 10.

Recover, Recover 

Announcements: Sept. 4th Labor Day convergence with F3MECA @ Blythe Elementary. F3 Dad’s Day immediately following. Sept. 9th, convergence with F3Metro. See social media for full details.

COT: only having 3 PAX, or what I would consider HIMs, the Mumble Chatter was great. But what capped off this COT was the fact that each PAX (reason for the HIM reference) realizes that each PAX isn’t bigger than F3. We all have our own passions or gifts and how PAX can contribute those passions or gifts for the larger F3 is exceptional. That was recognized by each PAX or HIM this morning. We as PAX are NOT bigger than F3!!! Each PAX can however contribute to make F3 that much better!!!