Core standard is the new standard

10 Pax joined me this morning at the toughest Tuesday AO on the west side of Huntersville off Beatties Ford north of McIlwaine and south of Gilead. FNG-1 is Twilight – someone teach that guy how to use the internet! BEP and T-Bone ran the old, boring standard, YHC did the NEW, super EXCITING standard, a solo core standard until Drebin showed up and jumped in.

Disclaimer was proclaimed and written waivers were sent and collected via docusign. 


  • – SSH x35 IC
  • – IST x12 IC
  • – Slow windmill x12 IC
  • – Merkins x15 IC

The Thang

No running today so the Q could rest and recover my lower half so we all stood around in a circle and lifted blocks and rocks. Yes, rocks, because apparently Fallout is about outta blocks. Someone alert the MQ. The sled made an appearance, as did the speed rope, but no one took me up on the double-unders option to get outta doing sled pushes. It went something like:

  • – Curls x15 IC
  • – Skull crushers x15 IC
  • – More curls x15 IC
  • – Round of partner sled pushes around the parking lot (partner 1 pushed the sled while partner 2 quadraphill'ed and switch) while the rest of the Pax did various isometric holds (plank, Al Gore, deep lunge, low pushup, six inches)
  • – Shoulder press x15 IC
  • – Block raises (front delt raises) x15 on my up
  • – Bent over rows x15 IC
  • – Another round of sled pushes while the Pax did various isometric holds
  • – Chest press x15 IC
  • – Russian twist – block optional x10 IC
  • – Block glute bridge x15 IC
  • – More chest presses x10 IC


There was town government related trivia. The Pax demonstrated a less than superb understanding of their local government. Trivia will continue until knowledge levels improve. We also did some LBC's, low flutters, and planks, finished up with some shoulder touch merkins courtesy of Snake Eyes.


  • – Extra credit to Drebin and Hasselhoff for doing a solo sled push the first round causing the Q to modify the workout so everyone could take a turn and so that no one died
  • – Memo & Twilight keeping the streak alive – and Twilight doing extra reps with the rock today because us old guys were holding him back didn't go unnoticed
  • – No water breaks were taken
  • – I couldn't make out the chatter during Mary, but I'm pretty sure it involved BEP and T-Bone agreeing that core standard should be the new standard throughout the remainder of bathing suit season
  • – Baller was the only one to get a trivia question right
  • – Thanks to Snake Eyes for leading us out in prayer
  • – And thanks to Tantrum for allowing me the chance to lead this morning so he could get a few extra minutes of sleep