Corn Cobs and Cans of Corn

Event Date

Oct 16, 2017

The rain may have held off, but there was still a downpour of fun at Thunderdome this morning. The perfect October day to run some bases


Warm up jog to back of church

SSH 20x IC

Toy Soldier 20x IC

IST 20x IC

Mosey to kids playground. Gate was open, no need to hop fence! 



Corn Cob pullups x 5

Bulgarian split squats (single leg squats) 15x IC each leg

Incline merkins 15x IC 

Repeato x 3

Special BONUS: Upon completion of the above everyone was given a free chance to attempt touching all the rings on the large ring contraption. 


Mosey to hill behind church

Stairway to 7

Hand release merkins at bottom of hill, jump squats at top of hill.

Quadrafilia uphill, Mosey down hill

Start with 7 hand release merkins at bottom and 1 jump squat at top. Then 6 hand release at bottom and 2 jump squats at tops… Repeato working down to 1 hand release merkin and up to 7 jump squats

Then plank it out 

Mosey to softball field 


Partner Up

Partner 1 runs bases while Partner 2 works on exercises behind home plate. Flapjack once Partner 1 crosses home plate.

Each team of partners completes following:

100 lunges (alternating leg)

100 merkins

100 jump squats

50 burpees

Mosey back to parking lot 



Jane Fonda 15x IC each leg

Pretzel crunch 15x IC each side

Superman for 1 minute



– Cornwallis always seems to show up whenever there is an American theme going on…

– JimmyO and Cornwallis were monsters at the plate today, each driving in over 15 runs! RBI city. Cajun Cowboy and I did our best to return the favor. By my count each team accounted for at least 30 runs. 

– Thanks for the opportunity to Q TwoBuck. Great job on that 50k over the weekend

– We are all praying for the Kocmond family in South Charlotte who lost their son last week


-Swing State