Corner Thyself

Event Date

Feb 17, 2017


While pondering over what level of suckitude I would bring to the Pax this morning, I decided to employ the KISS method: Keep It Simple Stupid.  This workout was simple in that it was really easy to remember, yet sucky enough that Jedi threatened to invite me back again.  Here's how it went:

SSH x 25 IC

Cotton Picker x 20 IC

IST x 20 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Arm circles

Mosey to the corner in front of EEZ to begin the 4 corners,  All exercises OYO, but we ended up doing them as a team:

Corner #1: Burpees x 10

Run to next corner in front of Brixx

Corner #2: Jump Squats x 10

Crawl Bear to corner in front of Corkscrew

Corner #3: WWII Situps x 10

Quadrephelia to corner in front of Qdoba

Corner #4: CDD x 10

Walk Crab back to Corner #1

Repeato 4 corners increasing by 5 reps each new set.  5 sets total = 100 total reps each exercise

Time was called before reaching the last corner, but YHC pushed everyone to finish.  Some gripes, but I referenced the Q's watch is the only one that counts, and if it's wrong then it was wrong at start time too.  You still got your full 45 mins of suck in.  Your welcome.

Headed back to Starbucks, where we continued the topic already in progress about Servant Leadership.  How do you lead others by serving them, rather than bossing them?  A roundtable discussion followed, with everyone sharing their experiences and observations from their respective workplaces.  Apparently Jedi is really stressed out.  Burnsy suggested bringing a large hammer to work conversations.  And everyone is happy that Jingle Bells no longer has the most depressing job.  It was a great way to start the morning.  

Jingle Bells, I'm sure you had a great run all by your lonesome, probably was a good idea considering the 100 burpees really started to suck after the first 10.  

Burnsy complained about his back and began modding the exercises.  We all felt bad for him, until the last leg of Quadrephilia when he smoked everyone at break neck speed.  You sandbaggin' SOB.

Red October was smoked after a week full of heavy posts.  I appreciated his response when I told him that I only posted twice this week.  Sorry, not sorry.

Cornwallis, strong work as always.  Hardly a complaint was heard from you, although I looked up at the end to find you and Burnsy made yourselves scarce.  It was only a little more walk crab.

Jedi, thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead.  Next time I'll try to be more creative, but probably won't succeed.  Let us know how that Jedi mind-trick, role reversal strategy plays out.

See you all again in the gloom.'
