
17 of F3LKN's finest emerged from the gloom for a recovery workout for many after the Tuna Relay.  They still got after it.

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

Calf Stretches

Downward dog stretches with calf stretches

Forward fold to flat back X 3 revolutions

Long Snappers X 10

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the Gazebo Courtyard for C2C with addition of an exercise at each corner for the 4 rounds

Round 1 

'Mericans X 10

Squats X 15

SSH X 20

LBC X 25

Round 2 – Round 1 exercises +

Carolina Dry Docks X 10

Backward stepping lunges X 15

IST X 20

Low FLutters X 25

Round 3 – Round 1 and 2 exercises + 

Diamond 'Mericans X 10

Plank Jacks X 15

Mountain Climbers X 20

Freddie Mercuries X 25

Round 4 – Round 1, 2 and 3 exercises +

Wide 'Mericans X 10

Squats X 15

Toy Soldiers X 20

Dying Cockroaches X 25

Mosey to the lower lot – DORA with partner and parking lot laps

100 'Mericans

200 CDDs

300 LBC's

400 Touch 'Dem Heels

Mosey to the launch

LBC x 20

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

COT – led in prayer by Callahan

Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Most of us were still pretty sore after the Tuna Relay and other weekend events. If we didn't realize it when we got up this morning, it was readily apparent early on in the workout. 

2) Many (all by now for certain) of you may have heard I got lost during the Tuna Relay. This is somewhat #FakeNews. I was never lost – just wildly off course. I knew I was in the state of North Carolina and town of Benson at that point. Benson has a brutal hill on highway 50 you should only have to climb in a car or van. Look it up if you don't beloeve me. The true story – I missed a turn and ran approximately 2.5 extra miles and met another nice team who gave me a short ride in their van. They would not take me to the exchange zone even though the three of us who missed the turn together – there were others – had all run much > our alotted run. They didn't want to get DQ'ed.  I would have had to run even farther without the ride, so I was in no postion to argue. So they were great but sucked at the same time. 

3) There was talk of another relay at coffeeteria – TOO SOON!

4) There was also a milk carton with a picture of a missing person that resembles me. But he is smiling. I just finished a Relay Run this weekend. I am not smiling. 

5) After run # 1 my watch prescribed 4.5 days recovery time. After run # 2 – 3 days recovery time. I didn't bother looking after run # 3. But I will say that Einstein, Riverboat and Cousin Eddie could probably legitimately take the rest of this month off for a well deserved rest.

6) There were numerous pieces of entertainment from the run that will come out in due time – whole bottles of Weller's Reserve (consumed illegally by all in a non-licensed public venue) and Buffalo Trace emptied in literally minutes as well as most of a LARGE bottle of Basil Hayden, more beers than anyone that went to a State school could count, a tarp set up to block the wind that literally overturned a picnic table one the pax got up to get food, Tulu eating essentially non-stop from Thursday night – Sunday, me saving Stromboli the embarassment of going to the wrong exchange zone AGAIN by making a wrong turn (see above), and the list goes on. But I have to get back to work. You all should try to catch us at a coffeeteria for more hilarious details.

7) AND – Sudz, Hollywood, Gnarly Goat and Jazzhands get credit for a Horseshoe Make-up today.

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

