Could You Please Pass the Block…..

Event Date

Jan 12, 2016


Four Men started their day in the gloom…..No, wait 5 Men….No, 6 Men started their da……..No, 8 Men started their day in the gloom of a brisk winter's morning today.  All gathered around the giving table to pass around the great feast, family style, but it wasn't long before we realized we were roasting our own shoulders!!! Here's how it happened:


SSH 20IC / Copperhead Squats 10IC / 1 min In-place High Knees / Windmills 15IC / Arm Circles

Count off by 2's (1,2,1,2…..) NOT 2,4,6…..Way to go Metro

2's go get blocks while 1's plank it out and Q breaks out the "Special" block.  Not really special, it's exactly like our old blocks only with sharp corners/edges and fresh orange fluorescent paint.

The Thang:

Everyone circle up around the giving table; every other Pax with a block and those without a block provide the spacing of one arm length between each in the circle.

DISCLAIMER!!!  Believe Q made himself quite clear on the rules, directions, demonstrations and safety for the activity.  Several "OK!!!!!  We got it!!!"  comments.

3 Rounds of following:

Timed block pass around the Pax circle.  When time elapsed:  Pax with blocks do 10IC arm exercise.  Pax member with "special" block counts and audibles an in-place leg exercise (OYO) for those without blocks.  Short rest before gathering back up for rounds 2&3.

Round 1:
1 minute block pass clockwise
Block work – curls
Leg work – squats

Round 2:
2 minute block pass counter-clockwise
Block work – chest press 
Leg work – lunges

Round 3:
2 minute block pass clockwise
Block work – skull crushers
Leg work – ?????(Forgetful Q Fail)

Short Hill Run with 5 burpees at top, plank at end until all arrive.  Everybody back on the blocks for a Repeato of the 3 rounds of block pass with 1 minute timer and same arm exercises and audible leg work!!!

Short hill run with 5 burpees at top. 

Q had a new song/push-up exercise to compete with Sally but the Q's phone died.  Q fail #2, maybe 3????  Will save this one for later.

Improvised with a round of 20 slowmo push-ups with Q "up" & "down" commands.  Pax to concentrate on head up by picking a focus point straight ahead and keeping back flat.

In & Outs 11IC (Q just wanted to hear the Pax groans as we went past 10!!)
Low Flutters  10IC
Freddys  15IC
Low Plank Peter Parkers 15IC
Mason Twist 30 sec

That's all for today!!!


With the uproar and excitement teeming in the air about the upcoming Powerball drawing, I couldn't help but research past lottery winners and read the stories of their lives after winning.  EYE OPENER!!!  It is unreal the stories you will read and the lengths others will go to take what you have.  It was also coincidental that our sermon this past Sunday was on money (not tithing, although a proper plug was given).  With all these thoughts of money floating around I had find out what the good book had to say about this.

1 Timothy 6:6-12

"But godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.  But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.  People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  Some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.  But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.  Fight the good fight of the faith."

I am not saying you shouldn't play the lottery.  Just if you do, are you fully prepared mentally, physically, spiritually if you were to win?  Are we content with the many things we already take for granted as free citizens in this great nation, or do we desire more, more, more???  



It was confirmed this morning that at least half the Pax could not work for Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, "The PUNCTUAL plumbing" given your time of arrivals!!!  I call that the Fartsack conundrum' "to go or not to go" then the visions and thoughts of fierce EHing kicks in and you show up just in time for the Thang.

Took a while for the mumblechatter to commence but eventually it started to pour out.  Guess Q should have made all rounds of block passes 2 minutes, Pax was much quieter during those rounds!!!

As always I didn't catch much of the commentary today, so sound off in the comments on the good, bad, and the ugly that was served up today at the table.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead today, and great effort by all.
