County Fair

July 28, 2016


Sunny and 65……… nope, just kidding.  But it is that time year again, time for the annual return of our local County Fair.  Yea!!  10 Men posted to crazy fun and games.  What’s the prize you say?  A better you by 6:15.  

Warm up:

10 (IC) SSH

10 (IC) Imperial Storm Troopers

20 (IC) Panther Merkins – “New Exercise Alert”

3 PAX back to retrieve blocks – all other Pax mosey to top of small hill.  While we’re here, sprint to 2nd mailbox – Sprint back – Mosey back to launch pad

The County Fair

        The Beer Runner – Run Small Hill

Animal show – (aka: Panther Merkins)

    The Strongman – 10 lb pulley swing (or maybe it wasn’t 10 lbs?)

    The Hot Coal Walker -(aka: jump rope)

    Merkins – Cause we can

    Squat Press with block

    Block Curls

    Strongman #2 – tiny kettlebell swings

    Trifecta Block Play –

    Wheel of Fun – ab work


    Short interlude of Mary

        LBC – Freddy Mercury – LBC combo

        Partner leg push

        Intended to do Slow Count Scissors, but was so distracted by Dandelion's IC counting, we just moved on to Repeat-o of County Fair.


    Back to the Playground for Round 2

        Most stays the same, except that Merkins and something else drop out, replaced with crowd pleasers:

        People’s Chair

        Pull Ups

        Australian Rows

        Superman on a stool


And that’s your free 45 minute workout.  You’re welcome.




    From Jeremiah 15:20 “…..for I am with you to save you and deliver you”.  

Most of you have felt God lay something on your heart you need to do.  But have you ever actually heard God speak in your ear?  Jeremiah did.  He was preaching and taking a lot of criticism from the community; even to the point of threats to his safety.  When God said, “….I am with you to save you and deliver you”.

Let that sink in.  How wonderful is this little phrase!  What decisions would you make differently if you heard God whisper in your ear that He “is with you to save and deliver you”.  What opportunities would you make knowing you are protected.  Would you ask that new couple at Church to lunch after service, maybe starting a new friendship?  Would you EH a co-worker or neighbor who you know needs F3?  Maybe you’d have that truth conversation with a family member?

I challenge you today to take a moment and quietly listen for a minute.  And when you do, I pray you hear God’s words that He is “….with you to save you and deliver you”.  Then go out and do what needs done.


Mole Skin:

  • 10 regulars

  • Retread: if you’re reading this, where were you?  When is the SVU rucking club starting?  I’ve got my pack and weight at the ready.

  • Vortex post with a broken foot in a cast.  Obliterates any future fartsacking excuses from here out.  

  • Wheel of Fun is big hit, as always

  • Not sure why we don’t do more kettlebell, we NEED more kettlebell.

  • Really a fun time leading this morning.  Thank you for the opportunity

  • Seemed to be more mumble chatter around the circle, so sound off on what was missed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb