Couple Hundo

Event Date

Sep 07, 2019


FNG-1 was Mysterion

4 non-BRR dudes met for the Couple Hundo beat down.  We thought about you and I think there are some HC's for next year  : )  Nonetheless, the BEATdown was strong, even without much running.  Here's how it went down.

– 20 SSH
– arm circles
– 20 windmills
– merkin clock
– 20 Copperhead squats
– 20 mountain climbers

Parking Lot Fun (all with a mosey back):
– high knees
– butt kickers
– monkey walk L & R
– broad jump merkin
– karaoke L & R
– dragon walk merkins
*** sucked worse than I remembered
– 4x quadraphelia

Agility Ladder:
– 2Out, 2In straddle
– Left leg hop through
– Right leg hop through
– Repeat legs
– arm walk L
– arm walk R
– 2Out, 2In straddle
– Repeat arms

Retrieve a block from the back for The Hundo
– 20 block squat thrusters
– 20 curls
– 30 WWI
– 10x Bonnie Blairs
– 20 merkins
– mosey LBH
– run Big Hill

– 10×8 t-planks
– 10x block twists
– 10x block russian twists

Repeat-o on The Hundo
Repeat-o on the Agility Ladder
return blocks

20x low flutter
20x box cutters (10/side)
20x Dippy Birds (10/side)

Reflection:  Psalm 51: 15-17
15 Open my lips, Lord,and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.
17 My sacrifice, O God, is[b] a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.
– great message at Pursuit recently about brokeness, being self-aware, and understanding God's great love for us.
– here's the link:
– something to meditate on, for sure.

*** Mysterion admits he couldn't remember his F3 name at first.
*** Shirley is wicked fast running straight; looking for physical therapy references.
*** Can't trick Studel with Broad Jump Merkins, he figured out it is just a trick to do burpees
*** Sturdel and YHC had flashbacks to the Iron Man challenge when we did the Bonnie Blairs >tick, tick<

Such an honor to lead you guys today