
Event Date

Feb 12, 2022


3 appeared from the gloom, cheering on the low 40F weather, but all thinking it didn't feel much warmer than the 30's.   LOL  (next week's reflection –> contentment)

SSH, windmills, Gma Maters, dippy birds, merkins-around-the-clock #crowdpleaser

Go get a block, run back to the AO, keep on running up to the Elysian Field near Block Island

Couples Circuit:
6 x (running + couple exercises) 
A runs around the island sans block, B&C do couple circuit (two exercises, switch whenever you like)
then B runs, A&C do couple circuit
then C runs, A&B do couple circuit
1: block walk over merkins + squats
2: trifecta + rows
3: WWI's + merkin T-planks
4: block squat thrusters  + curls
5: bow ties + Jane Fondas
6: hop on 1 leg up, other leg down + overhead block situp standup thrusters

run back with block to AO, return block to back
*** may have been the hardest part lol, so roasted

Back to the AO for 1 MOM:
Freddy Mercury's, 'merican hammer

reflection:  John 13: 34
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.  By this, all people will know that you are my disciples."
– couldn't resist this verse with Valentine's Day around the corner
– Christ previously quoted Deuteronomy "Love others as you love yourself."
– We are all pretty selfish, so to love others as we love ourself is a pretty stout level.
– This new commandment of love is a huge level up from that, though.
– Christ loved us so much that he died and redeemed our souls from the wages of our sins.
– We are to love others that way as well.

– Note that how we lovelove will be a witness to others
– …a-n-d reflect what that might mean to those around you.

– Anvil makes a suggestion to rotate who runs first through the Couple Circuit.  It was interesting to note the difference between running 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.  Gave everyone the chance to suffer equally.  LOL
– Tonka followed the beatdown with a couple hours of paint ball with his kids and a regular paint ball crew…talks about maybe Q'ing from the paint ball arena someday….#LOVEIT

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.
Always an honor
: )