Couponing at The Estate

16 pax, including 2 FNGs (Mike and Roger, both brought by Gray Ghost), punched their cards at Richard Barry Park at 0700 this morning to find out what YHC had planned for them at #TheEstate.  FNG-3 is 98 Degrees, not yet registered on website.

Pre-0700: A bunch of pax ran the RR10k, and some of these stayed for Turnpike's Excelsior Q.  A few showed for Excelsior and stayed for Estate.  Frogger ran the RR10k, took a break, and then hit the Estate.  And then a select few badasses – Blackberry and Turnpike – completed the #TripleDown.  RE SPECT.

0700: We rolled.

Mosey around the parking lot with buttkickers, WIDE high knees, and side shuffles.

Circle up for Warm-O-Rama.  Disclaimer.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


Solicit help of a few pax to carry four 30# coupons from YHC's car to track, leaving them at bottom of hill just off track for later.  Rest of pax mosey with YHC to track.

  • Modified Bataan Death March – Pax form two lines of 8 and commence indian run.  Last pax drops off, completes 5 mericans, and then sprints to front of his line.  Next pax then drops off, completes 5 mericans, and sprints to front.  Repeato as two lines of pax run around track, until all pax have dropped off three times to complete mericans.

Mosey to coupons.  Form four lines of 4, lining up behind coupons, facing hill.

  • Coupon Teamwork #1 – First pax in line bear crawls up hill, then crawl bears back down hill.  Second pax performs curls with coupon.  Third and fourth pax perform squats.  When first pax returns, he goes to back of line, and all pax move up one spot.  Second pax passes coupon back to third pax and relays curl count before bear crawling up hill.  Repeato until team has completed 200 curls.
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC (all pax)
  • Coupon Teamwork #2 – Same concept as above, but first pax quadraphelias up hill, completes 5 mericans, then moseys back down hill.  Second pax performs overhead presses with coupon.  Third and fourth pax perform LBCs.  Repeato until team has completed 200 overhead presses.
  • Dying Cockroach x 20 IC (all pax)

Mosey to pavilion.  All pax find some wall.

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Touch Them Heels x 20 IC
  • Protractor 30-60-90-60-30 and HOLD in 30 degrees for….
  • Peter Parker on Wall x 10 IC
  • Recover 10 sec (Frogger count)
  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Air Press x 20 IC

Mosey to rock pile.  All pax grab two "handhelds".

  • Forward Arm Circles with handhelds x 10 IC
  • Backward Arm Circles with handhelds x 10 IC
  • Overhead Claps with handhelds x 10 IC
  • Lateral Arm Raises with handhelds x 10 IC
  • Muhammad Ali while holding both handhelds overhead x 20 IC

Replace rocks and mosey to shady area of parking lot near playgrounds.  Partner up.

  • P1 mosey to playground for 10 pullups
  • P2 Prisoner Squats
  • Flip-flop
  • P1 mosey to playground for 10 pullups
  • P2 Freddie Mercuries
  • Flip-flop
  • P1 mosey to playground for 10 pullups
  • P2 Side Power Lunges (similar to Willie Mays Hayes)
  • Flip-flop
  • Partner Plank Situps – 20 per pax
  • Curb Dips x 20 IC (all pax)

Mosey back to area of parking lot near YHC's car.  Circle up in shade for Mary.

  • Low Dolly x 20 IC
  • ABCs (Capital Letters)
  • LBCs x 20 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Merican x 15 IC (courtesy Snake Eyes)

Recover, recover.


  • Humbled to have such a great group of men come out to the Estate this morning.  Thanks for getting up and spending part of your Saturday with YHC.  Hope everyone got what they came for.
  • Excited to have Mike (1st post) and Roger (2nd post) join us this morning.  TClaps to these men for hanging strong through an hour long beatdown!  Thanks to Gray Ghost for bringing them both out, and look forward to seeing them both again soon.
  • Roger's first post occurred some 4 years ago!  The pax wanted to name him Comet, since he only comes around once in a while.  However, we already have a Comet in Race City, and in any event, we're looking forward to seeing more of Roger soon.  Gray Ghost invoked Roger Moore, and suggested 007.  The pax then suggested Moonraker, and that stuck.   Welcome, Moonraker!
  • Thanks to the pax for indulging YHC's use of the coupons.  I only have the 4 built, and am always trying to figure out how to incorporate them into a beatdown.  I'd only anticipated a turnout of maybe 8-10 pax, so having a fourth pax in each coupon line was not expected, but YHC tried to make it work.
  • Great 2nd F afterwards at DeFined Coffee (LFC) with Turnpike, 98 Degrees, Freedom, and Elmers.
  • Someone asked about Purple Cow.  Here you go:
  • Thanks to Turnpike for reaching out several weeks ago and asking YHC for a Q.  I'm forever running on Saturday mornings, and rarely make it to the Estate.  It was awesome to be back.  Thanks brother.
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the original EH in June 2016.  I'm forever grateful.