Cousin Eddie the Angry Elf #MMM beatdown

Cousin Eddie the Angry Elf #MMM beatdown 


Quick mosey around the parking lot. And here is where the story changed narratives from the one I had planned originally. Mumblechatter was present before I could introduce myself or give the disclaimer. My thought: Well the shit with let’s get going, they’re not listening.



SSH 20x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Toy soldier 15x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang

3 rounds were performed with 20 repetitions per exercise except squat to press 10x per arm. PAX instructed to Zamperini, lunge walk, or around the world to each station. PAX instructed moved at their own pace but midway through a group started to call exercises in cadence. So after round 1, I called an audible and gave the PAX what they wanted cadence calling exercises and the opportunity to chat in a group. I stated that we would do everything in cadence but I lied kettlebell swings were to remain OYO. Of course, Outlaw felt slighted but I need him to really get the mumblechatter going. Little did I know that the Pax wanted to reminisce about being 13 and how everything looked like a penis, or talk about fruit that looked like a penis, or how good each other looked in tight exercise shorts. Man the morning is not starting off how I pictured it. 


Everyone took turns calling exercises in cadence for last two rounds.


8 stations:

Overhead press 

Skull crushers 



Chest press 


Kettlebell swings

Squat to press


Then I decide enough with the kettlebell. I passed out some exercise tubing to everyone or as Outlaw likes to call it “surgical tubing”.

Plank walk 10ft toward cars and back to bus numbers in parking lot. 

Next side step from bus numbers to opposite end of parking lot and back.

Enough of that.


Circle for Mary

Pretzel crunch 10x IC

Dying cockroach 10x IC

Low flutter 10x IC


Recover Recover 







Metallica likes to tell me I’m grumpy at all my Q’s so I didn’t want to disappoint this morning. He said it at least 3 times today.


The golf outing was a success. Krugerrand won by 9 strokes. Riverboat and Outlaw made a good team. Bagboy seemed concern everyone make have got a participation certificate but it seems it was money. Oyster piped in and said he got 10 dollars not the certificate.


Hat trick have a Happy Birthday. I now understand why sex was on the brain. Hopefully you live up to your namesake and score 3 times.


Outlaw was good with subtle digs. Telling Jersey boy he had Q’s when he was master Q of BRP. So I’m personally asking the PAX to set up and help all master Qs. Then he called Titan out for joining us halfway through workout. Outlaw way to go bang bang on people this morning.


Omega everyone is expected a smaller tank top next week so you can examine your beach body better.


Thanks Bagboy for setting up to Q next week at #MMM.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q,

Cousin Eddie AKA the angry elf