Cousin Eddie’s 1st F3 anniversary – A day of gratitude

Cousin Eddie’s 1st F3 anniversary – A day of gratitude 


I showed up early to warm up a little due to the much cooler temperatures and to go over the beatdown I had planned in my head. The police officer in his cruiser was probably thinking who is this stupid ass stretching and running circles around the parking lot. After about ten minutes, I was saved by Fescue pulling in and shortly after the rest of the cars pulled in.


5:30 Let the fun begin.


Mosey around the parking lot. Butt kickers, high knees, and carioca mixed in. Circle up for warm-o-Rama.


SSH 10x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang


Mosey to the playground 


25x IC Squats 

10 Pull ups, 5 burpees 

20x IC Merkins

10 Pull ups, 5 burpees 

15x IC Lunges (alternating legs)

10 Pull ups, 5 burpees 

10x IC Dips

10 Pull ups, 5 burpees 

10 m Bear Crawl 

10 m crab walk


Mosey off campus into my neighborhood for a figure 8 around Weatherstone. Performed an exercise at each stop sign. 10x IC unless specified 

  1. Diamond Merkins
  2. Slow squats
  3. Low flutter
  4. Apollo Ohno’s 10x OYO
  5. Plank Jacks
  6. Alternating Lunges
  7. Elbow plank turns (turn one shoulder at a time toward sky) 10x OYO
  8. LBCs


Find a partner

Partner 1 Quadraphilia up the hill and sprint down the hill

Partner 2 AMRAP Mason Twists

Flip Flop

Partner 1 Lunge walk up the hill and sprint down the hill

Partner 2 AMRAP World War II sit ups 

Flip Flop

Partner 1 side stepping up the hill and sprint down the hill 

Partner 2 AMRAP The W

Flip Flop


Mosey to the launching point. The burpee.


Recover Recover 


Name-o-Rama – Cherry bomb pointed out that I landed on the 11 and that was our count this morning


COT – Thanks Swing State for taking us out.




Glad to see Swing state, Bagboy, and Hat trick who were some of guys responsible for naming yours truly with Cousin Eddie.


Thank you to the 10 men who showed up to support me on my one year anniversary in F3. But my thanks doesn’t stop there, I would like to thank every PAX member I have had the pleasure of working out with this past year. I completed my 239th work out since starting F3 and 199th of this year; however, some backblasts weren’t entered but who is keeping track. You have dealt with me for 42 Q's now. I’m proud to say that I’m a better version of myself because of this group. I’ve lost 21.2 pounds, am a better husband, father, son, and leader. This group has helped me de-stress and be a better communicator. Lastly this group has helped me to improve upon my mental health. 


Until we see each other again in the gloom, probably tomorrow, it’s been a pleasure this past year,

Cousin Eddie