Covered Bridge visit

Event Date

Jul 11, 2024


A great feature and nice staple of the Antiquity area is the Covered Bridge, so why not run along the greenway to go check it out 🤷🏼‍♂️

4 PAX showed to do just that, and oh, make a few stops along the way.  This is how it went.

Warm O Roma (as we awaited MobyDick and possibly Sudz): SSH IC X 20, windmill slow IC X 10, long snapper IC X 15, runners stretch right for 5 count hold then left, IST IC X 15, catcher’s pose for 5 count hold. Mosey to the entrance to the greenway.

Grab some curb: inclined curb Mericans IC X 10. Mosey down the ramp onto the greenway. Repeato on the way back plus Rocky Balboas IC X 20.

Run along the greenway to the first fence. Decline fence Mericans IC X 10. Repeato on the way back.

Run along the greenway to the next park bench. Partner up for hand clap Mericans with Partner PAX X 10.

Run along the greenway to the Covered Bridge. 11 count ladder on the bridge with SSH at one end vs. CCD on other end. Quadrupilia walk down the hill and under the bridge.

Mobility Moment: on your 6 – LBCs IC X 20, knee twists for 5 count hold, leg over twists for 5 count hold, knee to the chest for 5 count hold.

Run back along the greenway to first park bench. Lunge holds for 5 count on each leg.

Quadrupilia walk up the bridge to entrance of the greenway.

Recover, recover 

Announcements: Ping in need of PAX to help him move 

Prayers: suppression of human rights in Sudan, first responders, unspokens 

Moleskin: great temperature for the greenway run. Such a relief from the scorching temps from Tuesday. Axel was impressive as he pushed through foot arch discomfort and pain to log a total of 2 miles this GLOOM 👊🏼. Great company this GLOOM. All pushed hard especially Hollywood who led the pace. Coffeeteria was joined by WMD (best luck with that most recent fender bender 😞), Sudz, next Cousin Eddie from the Caboose, then Kosar, Bagboy and Caesar from Water Wings.