Covfefe – yes, Q is going there!

Event Date

Jun 01, 2017


Four of Mt. Island Lake's finest emerged on a muggy morning to determine if the so-called 'runner's high' could bring bring them to a state of true covfefe. Sadly, while there was much covfefe, covfefe of covfefe was not covfefe. 

Warm o rama:

SSH, cherry pickers, hillbilly walkers, tiny arm circles

The Thang


Burpees x 5

Lunges x10 each leg


Mercans 10 IC

Plank Jacks 20 IC

Squats 15 IC

Mosey to Double Double's house; BLIMPSo repeato; Mosey to boat ramp; BLIMPSo repeato; Mosey to home base; BLIMPSo repeato

Mary – none, last repeato ended on the 6:15


  • Q shares recount of sighting Coyote on walk to Cobalt. Kevlar suggests it may have been a fox. 704 asks why neither of us fired at whatever it was. Q decides it's best to not push 704 too hard on workout.
  • Q suggests incorporating lawn care into workout since we happen to be in front of his house. 704 extols virtue of a 'bee friendly landscape', ie, weeds. 
  • Pax forgives some missing cadence counts.  When are you supposed to breathe if you're counting off? 
  • Q was feeling pretty good about himself after the first round of Burpees – hey – this ain't so hard. Was not so cocky second, third, forth cycle..
  • Some repetition counts may have been less than boasted above. Especially towards end.

?Great work men!