CPAPs, Blocks, and Sprints

Event Date

Apr 06, 2023


CPAPs, Blocks, and Sprints

Ping has not activated his account on the website.


PSA: I recently did an at-home sleep study after continually being woken up at night and being tired all day.  The sleep study showed that I stopped breathing every other minute through the night, so they “gave” me a CPAP machine.  I have now used it for two nights and it has already had a significant impact on me, so I had to tell the PAX all about it.

Sleep is so incredibly important to our physical and especially mental health.  If you even question if you have sleep issues, please go get a sleep study done and it may change your life.


Warmorama: we got plenty warmed up and stretched to prepare us for the sprints that awaited us.



High knees

Butt kickers




Toy soldiers

Long snappers

Slow windmills

Calf stretch

Runners stretch


The Thang:

We grabbed a block and partnered up.  We performed an exercise as a group, then while one partner sprinted down and back up the next parking row, the other partner farmer carried directly to the next row.  The exercises were:


narrow curls (sorry for the scraped up arms!)


slow squat

lawn mowers


slow skull crushers,

Chest press

Shoulder press


We put the blocks away and did 20 jumping lunges OYO.

We moseyed back to launch and stopped at each parking row to do a burpee.  YHC was only going to do one burpee per row, but Snake Eyes forcefully demanded that we increase by one at each row, so I obliged and all the Pax celebrated.


At launch, we passed around Mary and Hasselhoff did a ridiculous amount of low flutters, The Force did hip dips (AKA: “doing J-Lo from the side”), Bob Ross did LBC, Ping planked for a minute, Peart Plus (with an A) did Freddie Mercury, 66 did (I don’t recall, but that’s not to say that 66’s presence wasn’t memorable), Tammy Faye did WW2s, Snake Eyes did shoulder touch merkins, and YHC did superman holds. 



I made a rule that there was to be no singing during the superman holds, but the Pax refused to follow me on that one.  Regardless, the men pushed through this tough workout filled with plenty of sprints, burpees, and blocks.  It was nice meeting Ping who just started F3 recently and Tammy Faye who I haven’t seen in a while – I hope to see them post again soon. 


Until next time….

– Drebin