CPR Reminder Course at Titan

Event Date

Apr 09, 2018


Disclaimer:  I am not qualified to teach anyone about CPR.  That said, YHC did recently complete a 3 hour course on CPR / AED and wanted to share a tidbit or two:

  • Quoting a handbook I received:  “Chest compressions are the most important step in CPR and, whenever possible, should be performed on a firm, flat surface”.
  • When I took the course ~20 years ago, believe the recommendation at the time was 15 chest compressions / 2 breaths.  The recommendation is now 30 chest compressions / 2 breaths.  And, using an AED (automated external defibrillator) increases the chances of survival dramatically.

Realize today's workout theme was a bit of a "reach", but thought we could do something with the 30 / 2 numbers in a way that perhaps folks might remember.  YHC would encourage PAX to take a course on CPR if possible.

Here is roughly what happened:

0500:  Bootlegger, Tantrum, and YHC for ~2.3 mile run standard.

0530:  Bid farewell to Bootlegger.  Joined by Dirt and Jaws, we did:


  • Mosey to the neighborhood entrance along Beatties Ford Road.  Disclaimer given in route.
  • High knees and butt-kickers included.
  • At a rarely utilized piece of grass we did:
  • SSH x 30 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • IST x 30 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO

The "CPR 30 / 2 Reminder" Thing:

  • Mosey to the pool clubhouse in the Latta hood.  Workout theme (admittedly a stretch) explained en route.
  • At the clubhouse (The gates were open BTW.  We suspect Jingle Bells, absent from the workout today, had something to do with that.) we did:
  • Mericans x 15 IC (See…ah…really that is 30 reps.  Admittedly confusing?)
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO

Run to the bottom of "Mortimer Hill".  At the bottom we did:

  • LBCs x 30 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • Crab walk a ways up the hill.  Then some lunge walks, bear crawls, Quadraphilia, then finally run to the top of the hill.  Plank if waiting.

We re-grouped, and made our way back to the AO.  We had time for some Mary as follows:

Mary:  (in roughly the order below)

  • Low flutters x 30 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • 80% Sprint to end of lot.
  • Starting at the "32" mark on the parking lot lines…sprint to the "2" mark…and do 2 Burpees OYO!!!  That wasn't even planned but it worked out.
  • JLOs x 30 IC
  • Burpees x 2 OYO
  • 80% Sprint to end of lot.
  • Starting at the "32" mark on the parking lot lines…sprint to the "2" mark…and do 2 Burpees OYO

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we ran 5.1 miles across the Standard + main event.


  1. Seriously, take a CPR / AED course if you can.  Especially if your company offers it for free, which Bank of America thankfully did.
  2. Great to see Bootlegger hitting the workouts so often in 2018.  He is strongly considering BRR for 2019.  Translation:  Hit him up for 2018!!
  3. Jaws and YHC chatted about the differences between a "trip" and a "vacation".  Basically, the latter involves the opportunity to have more adult beverages where possible.
  4. Good to see Dirt crushing it as usual.  Hope everyone is able to get out on Tuesday again; we discussed Fallout and Gaga as 2 awesome options.  Of course there are many more in our great region.
  5. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  I hope the numbers 30 and 2 resonate for a while with the PAX.
