FNG is Cousin This
4 arrived at the AO to get bigger, faster, stronger…
- cotton pickers
- windmills
- Goofballs
- Grady corns
- lap
pair up – 1 Pax does exercise while other runs to other end of parking lot and returns. Then PAX switch. work as a team to do total exercise count
Burpees – 50
Overhead press – 100
Merkins – 150
Big Boy Situps (we did WW1s) – 200
Squats – 250
Mary – skipped this because of all the WW1s
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20
- Crabby returned!!!
- Congrats to Crabby on his Marathon
- Mater got to pick which Matt he wanted to partner with, and he chose Crabby, no offense CT
- CT arrives first but somehow ends up showing up near end of warmup
- Crabby was on time
- Mater arrives in a car I have never seen before
- Crabby did not enjoy the squats (not sure why?)
Great to lead these fine men. Missed those that weren’t there
God Bless,