Crank or plank turned cluster snafu

Event Date

Mar 09, 2019


Had a plan, a really good plan. Expected 10+ because the runners were back….all I got was Skipper! Plan was a total fail with only 5. Even had a cadence written up for some running, but didn’t dare with only 5 voices (next time!).So….warm up17 Tony Hawks9 Merkins13 WindmillsArm Circles3 SSHLove those odd numbers – SSH for Shredder who was supremely disconcerted with the idea of no SSHJog to the back, through the woods, and back to playground. The idea was to pair up and push each other for 1 more rep, but it quickly fell apart. Once I got to the second rule Skipper was lost. We ended up doing Merkins, farmer carries with a chain-wrapped anvil, pull-ups and toes to bars, all interspersed with the jog through the woods. The only saving Grace was my new toy, a 90# sandball about the size of beach ball. We lined up and threw it over our shoulders, taking turns to go the length of the wood chips and back. Special props to Skipper who manned-up big time. Carry the anvil and sandball back to the parking lot. Message – when we think about the message of Christ it usually sparks ideas of love, kindness and forgiveness. But He also provided messages of strict obedience …like to the young man that was told to give up everything but couldn’t, or to Peter when He told him to quit fishing and go “feed my sheep”, or when He said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as my Father in Heaven is perfect.”We are expected to try hard and improve. Like our exercises, if we move through a full range of motion and challenge ourselves we will grow and learn. We need to try hard and put in the work throughout our lives. No better place to do it than in a group like F3 where we are pushed to go a little farther, an extra rep, one more step.Great to be with everyone, special thanks to Cheetah for pushing ball the way to the lot, and welcome to FNG Ryan Johnston, just moved here from Utah, now named “Salty”.