Craps at Titan

Event Date

Jun 13, 2016


Not THAT kind of craps, the dice kind…

A hot and humid June morning began with a 5:00 Standard… Tantrum, Dirt, Turnpike and Silver Bullet joined YHC for the echoes of a Titan 5-miler.  Ran to bottom of Canoe Cove and up Mortimer Hill.  Back down Alba to New Bond and picked up Jingle Bells.  I figured Turnpike skipped the 5-miler last week for Bonesaw, so we could give him the highlights (i.e. my favorite hill).  I mentioned this during the run, but was dismayed to learn by this logic I owe him 120 burpees for skipping The Estate last week.  I immediately regretted the conversation, forget I said anything!  Picked up Jingle Bells mid-Standard.  2.3 miles total.  Back at the bus lot we added Calypso for the 530 launch.


  • Mosey to front of school, mix in butt kickers and long-striders along the way. Circle up.
  • SSH x 20
  • IST x 20
  • Little Baby Arm Circles x 30 seconds
  • Cotton Pickers x 20
  • Mosey to back side of track (thankfully I scouted the AO early, found only the back gate was open)


Land at the Hopewell track and discover a box.  Theme became…

Well, it's a pair of dice and this:

Run a lap around the track, roll the dice, do the exercise, AMRAP.  6-8 laps for most?


  • Mosey back to bus lot.  Psyche!  Sprint the hill.  Now circle up…
  • Leg Lifts x 20
  • WW2 x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • Plank out the final minute


  1. Sprinklers were running on the football field, was totally amused that Tantrum and Calypso both pulled an Andy Dufresne (explanation photo at bottom).
  2. Definitely recommend the AMRAP style exercises for newer Q's.
  3. How the HELL do I roll Bear Crawl, Lunge 50 yards, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Mountain Climber x 20, Bear Crawl?!?  This workout was stupid, dice are stupid, bears are stupid.
  4. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead again.  Thank you Turnpike for basically forcing this commitment on me (reference Turnpike's last Titan Q, near the end of the Thang:
  5. Dirt looking STRONG every week.
  6. Latta run group to the AO… gonna make this a thing one monkey humper in Jingle Bell's driveway at a time.  

A pleasure as always gents.  Until next time…