Crash into me

Event Date

Mar 13, 2023

Toy Soldiers
1 arm pickle pounders
Grandma Maters
Mosey a lap

Part 1
Quadraphilia up the chute, mosey back
Mosey up a little bit faster
Stretches. Calf stretch, worlds greatest stretch
Tune your launch control…doing 4 short sprints getting faster with each one. Save some gas in your tank for the final lap.

Part 2
Mosey to the pull-up bars the dry way. Partner up. Partner 1 runs around the tire and back while partner 2 does pull-ups. When you burnout on pull-ups dead hang. Flapjack
Repeato one last time, except this time do toes to bar

Part 3
Next exercise is the Running Man
Line up in parking lot lane. Sprint to first median, mosey back
Recover with Merkins and 60 second plank
Sprint to 2nd median, mosey back
Recover with squats and Al Gores.
Sprint to 3rd median, mosey back
Recover with scorpion merkins and LBCs
Sprint to 4th (imaginary) median, mosey back to the launchpad

More like 3 minutes and was planned just for Lightbulb who wasn’t there
Low Dolly
Rosalita Whips
V ups
Now put it all together for THE Dr. W

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Romans 12:21 NIV


  • Q couldn’t sleep last night, today’s going to be a real drag… 4 ish hours
  • Lightbulb promised a post with our FNG, but then chooses the fartsack
  • FNG is Chris Sheridan. On first impression you get a Hugh Jackman Wolverine vibe (it’s the hair). Chris identified as a newbie ~6 months into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu after a demo from THE Royce Gracie himself. He also is a Realtor, and spent 20 years in the music industry. Music industry is interesting…How so you may ask… Lead Guitarist for a local band, Simplified. He was being a bit modest. Several albums on Pandora and Spotify and toured nationally with some featured hits. I found the spotify channel and thought I was in the wrong spot with 194,429 listeners… nope that’s the one. I will definitely be adding this to my playlist. Chris described the tunes as a rock band. At least the early stuff that I listened to so far gives me a Sublime, Dirty Heads, southern Cali Huntington Beach feel.
  • Bootlegger joins us this morning, who I know has been around a bit but this is my first time meeting him in Denver that I can remember.
  • Bertha and Chris talk some Deadhead stuff
  • Dr. Dolittle has his wheels on today. Also appeared to do a little ministering to the guy in the back of the car crash after the workout.
  • Mater complained less today. It was noticed. He also did pull-ups, which YHC admittingly added to the workout just for Mater
  • Oh and the workout title. Just after finishing up a little prayer we hear Crash Crash Crash. I distinctly heard 3 crashes but only 3 cars. So I guess maybe the 2nd car ran into the first. 3rd car creamed the 2nd car causing the 2nd car to hit the first car again… or something like that. PAX runs up to Hwy 73 to check on the drivers. No apparent injuries, but added to the excitement today.