Crawl Bear Pain + Sprints = Smoked

Great work by the Pax on Wednesday at The Mighty Oak!  Brought back the "run" from opening of this AO a few months ago.  Starting with sprints out of the gates was a real crowd pleaser.  Here we go…


  • Run to rocks grab a rock
  • SSH X 30 IC
  • Air Squats X 15 IC
The Thang
  • Sprint from back lot drivethru (where we placed the rocks) to front entrance driveway
  • Ascending curb crawl Up by 2's to 10
  • More Sprints
    • Sprint back to rocks 
    • 25 Lion Kings with rock OYO
    • Sprint back to front
    • 15 one legged burpees
    • Sprint back to rocks
    • 25 KB (rock) swings – set rocks aside for use later (never used them again…the clock was not our friend today)
    • Picnic table press X 10 IC
  • Head for Travolta Hill with stops on the way
    • Run to traffic circle
      • Lunges half way around / sprint rest of way.  When a car came, go to Monkey Humpers.
    • Run to bottom of Travolta hill
    • CDD X 10IC
    • Mosey to grass hill.  
    • Crawl bear up grass hill #brutal #brutal
    • Bear crawl down back side of hill
    • Quadraphillia up grass hill
    • Bear crawl back down hill (at this point YHC can't feel my front deltoids)
    • Quadraphillia up to top hill (at least close to it)
    • Pickle Pounders on traffic circle (thanks for the suggestion Ultraman).  Someone said it was a warm up for the weekend – didn't know what they meant 🙂 
    • Run halfway down Travolta Hill
    • Sprint up side street – yet another incline
    • Sprint back down
    • Indian run to circle 2 guys at a time 
    • Run back to rocks
    • Put rocks back
    • Recover Recover – Mary doesn't work with YHC has hernia (getting fixed soon)
  • COT
    • BRR announcement / reminder from BEPea
    • YHC's Father In Law having heart surgery (internal defibrilator placement) today (Thursday) – keep in prayers.
    • Thanks to Bunyon for taking us out in Bunyon fashion – short, sweet, and to the point.


  • As i was scoping out AO at 5:10 for snow, ice, etc., i came across BlackEyed Pea and Ultraman running from Wynfield.  Nice way to prep for the running they were about to endure during workout.
  • Went musicless today – thought it was going to rain too much but just sprinkles.
  • Missed GreyGhost today – think he #smartsacked it.  Would have been perfect for you.
  • Missed a few of the faithful MacAulay boys today – see you next time.
  • Ruckers spent their time at Mad Scientist and had nearly 30 guys there.  Nice work, but 11 at TMO was more initmate for 2nd F…just saying, spread the love.
  • Sprints right after Warmorama was a great way to get the heart rate up very quickly.  Lots of heavy breathing that first set of 4 sprints, including YHC.  Raven, Overbudget, Bunyon, and BamBam continue their testoserone-filled competitive sprint competition as usual.  Love it!  You guys are flying.
  • Ascending curb crawls will always get a BS call, and Tommy Boy, sorry you missed this.
  • Picnic table presses, especially when we are down one guy…brutal
  • Lots of BS…but more grunting (most of i heard ever really) on the crawl bears up the grassy hill on Travolta Hill.  That is a signature exercise at this AO (even though it's of AO).  Can use hills on AO as well, but they're not quite as big.  
  • Limited mumblechatter today due to windedness – but good conversations when had.  Although as the newest member of the Davidson clan, I did get asked where my sweater vest was.  Well after my first workout there this week on Tuesday, with PipeDream leading, I can say…it's not a sweatervest type of workout!  Chest was #smoked

Great work men, and so glad to be a part of this great group!  

Da Ditka