Crazy 8s at The Force’s 8th F3 Anniversary

appropriately, 8 pax joined The Force for his 8th F3 anniversary Q.  YHC's anniversary was actually last Sunday, however YHC was DR on the Left Coast testing the buoyancy of my (old) iPhone.  Turns out, it wasn't (yep – past tense) buoyant at all…

Warmorama of 8s:  SSHs, ISTs, Windmills, Long Snappers, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Plank-jacks.  Enough of that.

Then we moseyed.  Plan was 8 laps of figure 8s in the parking lot up and down the hill around the islands.  After 4, like any good Q – YHC read the crowd and the vibe was not good (there was some walking), so we took a break to get blocks.  Then we mosey'ed 2 more, then another break.  Somewhere in there – maybe between the last 2 laps – were 8 burpees OYO.  This next break was 8 pull-ups OYO.  Then another 2 laps for the total of 8.  We sprinted the final 4 yards.

Then another set of 8 pull-ups OYO.

Then over to the blocks.  Pick up your block.  Zampirini around the bathroom building, cut over and around the playground, then back for – yes – another figure 8!  Next we moseyed for another figure 8.  Then blocks up again – lower part of the '8' full curls, upper part of the '8' skull crushers.  Then quadraphelia for another figure 8.

Grab your blocks and follow the leader.  Up and over and down the picnic tables for 4 laps (in cadence? not really but it sounds better).  Those were harder than we expected with the blocks.

Take your block to the track.  Set them down by Coach.

Suicides on the very messy, grassy football field.  4 up, 4 back for… 8 total. 

Grab your block.  Line up in lane 8.  Ladder:  8 full curls in cadence at the bottom, 1 jump squat at the top, then 6 curls with 2 jump squats, etc until done with curls.  Well that didn't get us to 8 jump squats at the top, so quadro to the top of the hill again for 8 jump squats.

Turn and face the sun.  The track coach seemed interested and entertained by us, so…  Monkey Humpers x 8.

Down the hill, grab your blocks, return them.

MWAR in of course sets of 8 (mostly). 

8x Moleskine:

That was hard.  TWSS

It was almost entirely planned, with minor audibles along the way – b/c I care about your fitness and pleasure.

Snake Eyes surprised the pax with NOT 8 Shoulder Touch Merkins BUT 8 BURPEES to end MWAR.  Sneaky.  And sucky.

It's been an awesome 8 years.  I thank Bama and Thug for weekly EHs during Sunday School at Mt Zion UMC which I ignored all of for probably a year.  I also thank BEP for feeding me enough beers at the Wynfield pool one Saturday then catching me at a weak point and EHing me for my 1st F3 post – the following Thursday at The Wilderness.  T-Claps to Jorel for his Q at that 1st post which I loved.  Jolly Roger was named that day of my first post, then I was named the following Thursday.  Said I'd never drive somewhere at 0530 to work out that early.  Within a few weeks I was.  I'd later become the MQ of the Wilderness… for 3.5 years.  Said I'd never do a "standard" before a 0530 workout.  Then I did.  Said I'd never run a standard before Qing a workout.  Then I did.  Said I wasn't a runner (0.0 was my Twitter pic for years).  Then I trained for and ran the Huntersville Half.  Then I ran it again the next year – in under 2 hours thanks to many awesome pax's coaching and encouragement.  I've torn a rotator cuff then Q'ed with my shoulder/arm tied tight to my chest.  Marine Corps Mud Run was in there.  2 hariline shin fractures, multiple boots and even a silly tricycle that many pax have since used.  It's been an aweomse ride.  Love and appreciate you guys.
