Crazy Eights below the Mendoza Line

16 PAX (above plus Sea Biscuit, Kwame and Heister) broke out the tight long johns this morning for the first sub 35 degree (F3 Mendoza Line) morning of the season.  Among others, Spanarkel, who is celebrating his 61st birthday today chose to wear shorts anyway which calls into question his wisdom as well as his circulation.  As is typical of YHC Mondays, we had heavy representation of "respect" participants…..YHC does not know what to think of this……

The workout:

Warmup, stretching, wise ass comments about Thanksgiving and sports, TWSS, etc.

8x- box jumps, incline merkins, decline merkins- repeato

Crazy 8s- figure 8 run around Green, crossing in front of library and circling back to bear crawl along CVS wall.  At cross points, 8 burpees.  Repeato lap, so total of 32 burpees (one for each beer over the break) with minimal vomiting.

Jog to City Hall- 3 laps around with 20 squats at the top and 20 WWII situps at bottom.  PAX had to scramble as evidently it was Jack Butler carpool drop off time behind the firestation.

Jog to DUMC- grab 2 bricks.  Reenact Friday AP lap- run with 2 bricks to pullup bars, drop bricks, 8 pull ups.  Man maker merkins (8x each arm), squats (16x).  Jog back to DUMC parking lot.

Arm work- Harleys (tip to Riptide), curls, butterflies.  Jog back to Green for Mary and of course, JLo.

COT- great time this morning.  Was touched by the turnout as always.  Spanarkel led all of us old guys and is truly an inspiration- happy birthday, brother.  OBC also is kicking it into high gear in advance of the upcoming 1/2 marathon, leading the PAX without breathing heavy.  Great to see PDiddy back as well as all the Monday regulars.  Have a great week- dont let thankfulness stop with Thanksgiving!!  GK