Crazy8WO Introduced at The Blender

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 12 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.    

Warm Up:
Run to back of church from patio
Backward run
Shuffle-right, Shuffle-left

SSH x 8
Windmill x 8

Main Event:

8 Rounds of the following:

Pull-Ups (good ones) x 8
KB Swing x 8
KB Squat-to-Press x 8
KB Snatch x 8 (8 each arm)
KB Full curl x 8
KB Skull crush x 8
KB Upright row x 8
8-Count Bodybuilder x 8

Beginning Temperature: 60F
Weather conditions: Wet, but no rain.
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .50 mile
Total Planking Time: 0 minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  This workout was inspired by the Crazy8 workout at Half-Life (i.e., 800m + 8-count bodybuilder x 8 all 8 times).  Everyone seemed to be happy that we weren’t going to repeat that workout.
2.  Glad we moved to the basketball court.  I think a sink-hole or two would have emerged in the soaked mulch. 
3.  Springfield noted that the seemingly simple WO has a way of sneaking up on you.  Yes, indeed. 
4.  Rocket still raving about Today show segment on F3.  Here is a link in case you haven’t caught it yet. Proud to be a small part of this awesome group.
5.  Great effort by everyone today.  Liked especially how Bam Bam isn’t afraid to bring the big balloon bell.  Now if we can just get Deuce to stop leaving big dumps close by…
6.  Really great to see Perrier back at again with the KB. 
7.  Raven and Bunyan lucked out – 100 pull-ups yesterday and another 64 today.
8.  Slow and steady (and good form) wins the race.
9.  It was an honor to lead this morning.  Solid effort by all