Creative Liberties

Event Date

Feb 12, 2019


I usually write a lot more in a backblast, but I'm a little short on words today.  I used all my creativity in coming up with exercises for today's beatdown.  I hope everyone got what they deserved and are a little better for showing this morning.

Jedi and Vandelay ran the Standard (claims of 2.X miles-ish)

Everyone else showed by 5:30 (except Mona Lisa)

Warmup joggy jog with some backwards and side shuffles thrown in.

Cinder Block Warm-Up: Franken-Cinder-Steins x10ic, Toe Crushing Windmill x10ic, Squat Thrust x10ic, Torso Block Rotations x10ic

ROXANNE (you know the drill)

Mosey to the Wall for People's Storm Troopers x15ic, Sweet CDD x10ic, People's Chair w/Heel Touches x15ic, Spiderman x10ic REPEATO

Mosey to playground for buslot wind sprints. Run to first BBall Goal and do 10 Mericans, run back and do 5 pull ups. Repeat for each BBall goal.

Mosey to lower playground for 10 step ups, under the low bridge, 20 dips, over the high bridge, REPEATO x3

Mosey to picnic tables for MARY: Sitting on the table with legs hanging off: Crunchy Frog x15ic, Low Hanging Flutter x25ic, LBC x20ic, W x15ic, "Low"mer to Marge x5

MOLESKIN:Thanks for joining me this morning, men.  I'm proud to have been a part of this group that doen't let a little rain keep you from bettering yourselves and others around you.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check out Jedi's new online endeavor and sign up for updates 

The Polar Bear is Saturday after next (2/23) 7am-9:15am launching from Bailey Road Middle School