Credit: Uncle Rico

Event Date

Mar 18, 2021

4 brave knights entered GCC to slay dragons on a rainy, Thursday morning.  We headed under cover for warmarama.

Carrot pullers
Slow windmill
Bushwhacker (I think thats the name)

The rains subsided so we headed out.  I pretty much stole the workout from Uncle Rico because if it aint broke, don’t fix it.

Mosey 100 yards
Kettle-bell snatch – 10 each arm
Mosey 100 yards 
Pull ups – 10
Mosey 100 yards
Jump squats – 20
Mosey 100 yards 
Skull crusher with rock – 15 IC
Mosey 100 yards
Burpees – 10

Repeato 4 times.  On the last two rounds we did dropped the pull ups (muddy) and added kettle bell swings and lawn mowers.


Again, credit to Uncle Rico because I borrowed the workout from one of his Dragon Slayer Qs.  I did modify slightly but not much.

Big thanks to Cherry Bomb for the state-of-the-art improvements made to the pull up bar area at GCC.  So nice!  Also, thanks for letting me lead this morning.

Thanks to the PAX for showing up on a cold, rainy morning!

Prayers up for P200 participants and Frogger and his M.

See you in the gloom,
