Crocs Got Blocks and Estwing’s Hips Don’t Lie

As we approach the end of another calendar year, and the winding down on a contest to win an Estwing-designed Mighty Oak patch, YHC (Estwing) realized that I needed another Q to win my own prize.  Seeing that Crocs was already on the calendar, I volunteered myself to co-Q.  After a Twitter scheduling near-miss, we were able to rally 10 Pax to The Oak.  Here’s what happened.


Slow mosey around the parking waiting for Lambeau (or as Crocs referred to him, “Prison Toby”) to find the group wearing his weight vest.  Immediately grab blocks and proceed to do.

  • SST x 25 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Block Merkins x 10 IC


  • 25 Lawnmowers OYO Each Arm
  • The Curl x 10 IC
  • Weighted Squat x 10 IC
  • Suzanne Sommers x 10
  • Pillow Talk x 10
  • Flip Over, Repeat
  • Chest Press x 25 IC
  • Bent Over Row x 10 IC
  • Shoulder Shrugs x 20 OYO
  • Teacups x 15 OYO Each Side
  • Skull Crushers x 10 IC
  • Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Pidgeon Each Side


Recovery lap around the school just in time for everyone’s favorite.  The Estwing Pilates series.  The usual chuckles and disparaging insults to follow.  Everyone down on their left side.

  • Front-Front Back-Back x 10 IC
  • Little Front/Back Toe Taps x 10 IC
  • Big Front/Back Toe Taps x 10 IC
  • Little Clockwise Toe Circles x 10 IC
  • Little Counterclockwise Toe Circles x 10 IC
  • Big Clockwise Toe Circles x 10 IC
  • Big Counterclockwise Toe Circles x 10 IC

Body Salud GIF by Bewe Software

At this point it was no longer funny.  This hurts.  Repeat on the right side.  Recovery lap around the track and grab some wall.

  • Peoples’ Chair
  • Land the Plane x 10 IC
  • Air Press x 10 IC
  • Christian McCalfRaises x 21 IC
  • Pigeon Toed Calf Raises x 10 IC
  • Duck Footed Calf Raises x 10 IC
  • The Curl x 10 IC

Blocks back.


  • Low Flutter x 20 IC
  • 1 Crisp Clean Perfect Burpee

Recover, recover.