Crosslake Park Drive and the Smoking Section

So the rain was heavy in Race City last night.  It brought the temperatures to a sweet sweet 72 degrees.  The humidity was still absolutely awful, but we still decided to workout.  Here's how it all went to the best of my memory.  

Run to the back of the building:
Run to the front of the building
Mericans x10
Run to the back of the building
Mtn Climbers x10
Run to the front of the building
Windmill x10

Instructions were given at this point for all of the Pax to run to the corner of Raceway Drive and Crosslake Park Drive.  You would have thought I asked everyone to do their taxes with an abacus.  The looks of pure confusion were splendid.  Roughly 30 seconds after we started to run that way, word traveled throgh the group that Crosslake Park Drive was synonomous with "Jet Hill".  Groans, complaints, and possibly some tears started as we made our way to the next step.  

Instructions were then given. 
1.  Run to the first driveway on your left.   Turn left and run to the smoking section.  Do 5 burpees. Run back to the bottom and plank.  
2.  Run to the second driveway on your left.   Do 10 mericans.  Run to the back to the smoking section.  Do 5 burpees.  Run back to the bottom and plank.  
3.  Run to the third driveway on your left.   Do 15 jump squats.  Run back to the second driveway.  Do 10 mericans.  Run to the back to the smoking section.  Do 5 burpees.  Run back to the bottom and plank.  
4.  Run to the fourth driveway on your left.   Do 20 LBC's (in cadence).  Run back to the third driveway.  Do 15 jump squats.  Run back to the second driveway.  Do 10 mericans.  Run to the back to the smoking section.  Do 5 burpees.  Run back to the bottom and plank.  
5.  Run to the end of the road.  This was our fifth stop.  We visited all the exercises both ways (up and down).  I had to Omaha the workout at the end and the run back got us back to the flag at 6:16am.  

1.  Someone joked that we should rename Jet Hill to "The Hill formerly known as Jet Hill".  Not sure that would fly with corportate.  
2.  On our 4th round up the hill, one of the employees at the first driveway actually was in the smokling section smoking.  THAT smelled lovely while we did burpees.  
3.  Great work by all men today.  It was humid and cool at the same time.  
4.  I jokingly said "Anyone under the age of 30 must go get the 6.  Chicken Little ran up that hill so fast that I thought he was being chased by the 5.0.  
5.  Cupcake bitched an moaned most of the workout.  That was comical.  
6.  If you werent there today we prayed for you and your family.  If you fart sacled or are injured you were missed.  
7.  Hurdle, thanks for switching dates with me as I'll be OOT next Wednesday.
8.  Thanks for letting me lead today, and even better thanks for following.  6+ years into F3, and leading a workout is still such a rewarding experience for me.
9.  Total mileage I clocked was 3.2 miles.