Crowd pleaser

9 high impact men posted up for Hollywood. Here’s how it went:


10 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
10 Slow Windmills IC
Mosey to parking lot across from Bonefish

10 Longsnappers IC
10 Toy Soldiers IC
15 Mountain climbers IC

Mosey to RubberMaid lot and partner up

100 mericans – Partner #1 does mericans while Partner 2 Bearcrawls to median and back. Flip flop and repeato up to 100 reps.
Both partners run to Gazebo and back.
200 LBCs – #1 does LBCs #2 Broad jumps to median and back. Flip flop and repeato until 200 reps.
Both partners run to Gazebo and back.
300 squats – #1 does squats while #2 lunge walks to median and back. Repeato to 300 reps. Both run to Gazebo and back. Plank when done.

Circle up for Merican Timebomb 5 > 1

Mosey to top of lot and grab a rock

10 Curls IC
10 Overhead press IC
10 Skull crushers IC
10 Bent over rows IC
Run down to end of lot and back

Mosey back to homebase


15 Shoulder touch Mericans – SnakeEyes

Recover, recover.


Decent amount of mumblechatter this morning, particularly about the guy pushing the truck and women’s sufferage. The Squat/Lunge walks combination was a crowd pleaser. Your legs will thank you later I’m sure.

Great coffeteria afterwards. Good discussion about personal safety and fighting mma girls. Interesting combo…

Prayers up for Jorel and family, Moses, and Toby.

Thanks to Soprano for the opportunity to Q, and for the honor to lead this group of men.

Deep Dish