C#’s Circuit

POW!!!!!!!!!  18 PAX at ELHS Mustang today!!! Killing it!!!!

Not listed above are: Boone, Bolt, Kragle, and FNG "Ice Trey".

FNG: We name the "Ice Trey"!  Welcome aboard!  You killed it today!  How did we com up with the name?  He is a pilot and among other things likes basketball.  So it all started with some top gun pilot names, Maverick, Goose, Ice Man, we were leaning toward Ice Man, then we got into some pilot reverences such as "Shirley" from the movie Airplane, then got into basket ball, and touched on the slang term for a three pointer of "Trey".  Merging Ice Man with Trey, to come up with "Ice Trey", (Not Ice Tray!)  

Keep up the good work Mustang and continue with the EH'ing!

Here is how it went:


10 IC   L Side Fire Hydrant

10 IC   R Side Fire Hydrant

10 IC   IST

10 IC   Windmills

10 IC   SSH

10 IC   Cotton Pickers

The Thang


20 Merkins

10 Out/In with Ab Wheels

30 Squats

30 Rope Slams

30 LBC on sidewalk or grass

Lunge walk

30 Australian Pull ups

5 pull ups

20 Curls

Sprint (10 count if needed)

20 Skull Crushers

Bear Crawl Steps

Water and Repeat for 45 minutes



30 Crossover LBC’s (Right elbow to Left knee, then L elbow to R knee).

10 Supermans


This past Wednesday was my 3 year anniversary of doing F3.  So I went back and pulled my VQ to reflect, and wound up stealing my reflection from that workout. 

Highlights from my VQ were:

  • I messed up: counting, calling the wrong exercise…
  • I ran backwards into a bench, cutting my calf..
  • Clark was late to the workout.

Here is that reflection with a little modification:

EH someone to F3 and you know the most common reply (excuse) is “I will have to get into shape first”. The truth is that no matter what shape you are in, you just have to “jump in” by showing up. Over time you will be shaped physically.

This past Sunday (3 years ago), my pastor said “Jesus is the shaper of believers”. If you ask someone if they want to commit their life to God, many will say “I need to get some things in my life in order first”.  While that may be what they feel, the truth here is the similar… You just have to “jump in”, putting your faith in Jesus. Over time you will be shaped spiritually.

You are back here today so I know you have seen that the hardest part was showing up at that first post, and that from there your body will begin to be shaped physically.  If you are struggling with committing your life to God, maybe taking that leap will turn your life around spiritually as well. And if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, I’d be honored to introduce you.  So feel free to reach out to me if you need.  There is also an open invitation to come try out my church as well.  I lost my connection with church, and began going back about the same time I started with F3. I hope to grow both physically and spiritually as both these journeys have similarities.

This is my first Q and I found it is no different. I was reluctant at first thinking “I am not ready”, and then I realized, I was just making excuses. Any of us can do it; you just have to “jump in”.

How do you take that first step?  The bible tells you in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”


On a circuit, not a lot of mumblechatter, at least that I could hear.  So post any good stuff if you have any.
  • Noteworthy: Hefty, Trapper Keeper, Sonar, Soldier, and I hit two developments after the workout to pass out F3 flyers in Hunters Bluff and Prospect Hill!  Thanks fellas!  
  • If you want in on the action, just let me know what development you want, and I'll get you the flyers!
  • A crew will be rucking the Gates soon and knocking that one out!  Thanks Ruckers!

Prayer Request

  • Still praying for our brothers who are out on IR!

Honor to Lead!  C# Out!!