Cul de SUCK

9 men came out to see if the AO was still there after all that rain.  Skipper was at the helm…..

Warm Up:

20 IC Smurf Jacks (SSH in a squat position)

10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Allen Iversons

10 IC Windmills

Arm Circles

Skipper gives disclaimer, and says that the good news is that the rain will keep us out of the pinestraw and playgrounds.  But the bad news is that the rain will keep us out of the pinestraw and playgrounds.  Asphalt is in our future…yeah running!

The Tang:  (Cul de SAC SUCK)

Partner-Up and mosey to back to grab a block per group.  Mosey back to parking lot w/ blocks only to find Laettner and Metro want in on the fun.  PAX planks until Metro returns with his block-o-fun.

Mosey w/ blocks to top of big hill.  Swapping blocks btwn partners as needed.

Deposit blocks, line up at top of hill.

Jailbreak run to AO parking lot, then backwards run up the big hill back to the blox #crowdpleaser

Block mosey to first Cul de Suck:  (PAX does called exercises at each cul de sac down Rustling Woods, moseying with the blocks to each one)

Cul de Suck #1:  Partner Wheelbarrows Up and Down

Cul de Suck #2: Partner 1 = Block Curls; Partner 2 = Bear Crawl Up and run back (Swap)

#3: Partner 1 = Skull Crushers; Partner 2 = Sprint Downhill/Uphill Back (Swap)

#4: Partner 1 = Block Twists; Partner 2 = Sprint Downhill/Uphill Back (Swap)

#5: Partner 1 = Block Goblet Squats; Partner 2 = Sprint Downhill/Uphill Back (Swap)

Block mosey back to AO; Return Blocks


10 IC WWI Sit-Ups

10 IC Boxcutters

10 IC Heels-2-Heaven

10 IC Windshield Wipers

:60 Mason Twist


This was a week of reflection for me.  With Khaleda's passing into the Lord's house as well as another close friend of mine joining her, I felt a void that could not be filled by prayer alone.  It is truly amazing to me, how we/I can get so siloed in how we live our lives.  We can live in our own little world, bogged down by all of the stress that we mostly create ourselves.  When you boil it all down, life is pretty simple, yet we tend to make it complex.  Following the journey of loved ones going through a struggle offers us a reflection period, and thus a self-cleansing if you will.  Seeing how the Lord provides our loved ones with the strength they need to battle their situation shows us that we are not alone, and causes us to look deep into our own souls and do a spiritual checkpoint.  It reminds us that we all are human, and that at any given point our lives can change on a dime.  We don't decide our path's direction or duration.  Only the Lord knows that.  I encourage everyone to continue their prayers and outreach for those going through this period of reflection and rebuilding.  


*T-Claps to Cheetah for his pre-run prior to leaving for Lincolnton.  Dude was out before I got there for my run at 6:05!

*Calm morning, I was able to do some pre-running out to the Sailview Docks and enjoy the silence a bit

*9 strong this morning!  Great numbers considering we lost a few to Lincolnton

*Couple of comments that the Smurfjacks might replace Monkey Humpers as the most embarassing execises that we do.   Not a chance

*I had all 9 Cul de sacs planned this morning, they sucked more than anticipated, had to cancel out about 5 of them!  It didn't seem like we did much looking at the write-up, but man that sucked.

*Couple of comments on how each cul de sac seemed to be a hill coming back and longer/steeper each time.  Yep, good catch.

*Great to see Sharkbait, Laettner and Diesel out there.  Killed it.  Sharkbait was very possessive of his block though.

*Also great to see Goodwrench back out there, back to his antics-backwards running up the hills….

*Great coffeteria afterwards.  

*As always, an honor to lead and be led by you gentlemen.  #f3strong