Cupcake requests a visitor Q Crack shows a back to basics

Well, we all know how redundant it can get with the same Q week in and week out, so Cupcake, man of many options puts out the call for a guest Q…. YHC decides that since he has just recently been back to Wednesdays, this would be fun…. A little back to the basics it is…. this is how it went down (mostly)

Mosey on down the road toward the infamous wall that Cupcake likes to have us place our manly parts, but no… too cold out for that, lets just go with

SSH x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

CDD x 10 IC

windmill x 10 IC

and (you guessed it oldy but goodie) 10 burpees on your own

Mosey on back the way we cam to good ol trac scan we can go the straight short way, but no, lets go down to the actual parking lot entry (well most of us huh Davey?)

to the back of the building and find a couple bricks each….

Diamond Merkins x 10 IC… why'd we get the bricks anyway…

Curls (for Nymph's office) x 20 IC

Shoulder Press x 20 IC

Skull crushers x 20 IC


Mosey on down the parking lot to the end with the hill… about face… Quardaphillia up-wait on all pax, 15 Squats, back to bottom, 5 squats (reminded by someone not on their Honeymoon that "we just did squats", so 5 one legged squats instead, (# sets of the up and down with squats at top and bottom

Modeu back to the Bricks and REPEATO…..# times Bricks and Quadraphillia squats…. that got some attention there I think…. all short easy movements from way back….

Running out of time, so lets head to the front of the building…. is it Mary time… yes, but no, not yet…

dips x 20 IC

Derkins x 10 IC

dips x 20 IC

Derkins x 10 IC

Now we find Mary for

Low flutter x 20 IC

WWII x 10 IC


great time catching up with some faces I havent seen in a while….

didnt even recognize Davey Crocket with all that face fuzz… good to have you!!! knew you were moving up, but didnt see the moving day etc…. we would have helped in that… thats what #truckcity does….

Honeymoon thanks for reminding me we had already done something to get the opportunity to change up a but

Rent a Cop… anyone? Rent a cop?…

Whole lot of work going on up here… Lear on a Wednesday…. Whats left of Deep end, all Good stuff guys!

Thanks again for the opprotunity to go first and have others support me from the back!