Cupid Shuffle

Event Date

Feb 10, 2018

10 HIM didn't let the rain…rain…on their parade today. Although it instantly stopped five minutes before we started, and held off the full hour. A few PAX coming in hot, so we took off on a mosey to grab some blocks before the warm up. Oh, a disclaimer was provided to protect whoever it protects.

After grabbing a block circle up for the athletes prayer and the aforementioned disclaimer.

Head to front of gym for warm-up.


10 IC Imperial Squat Walkers (I did it Clark)

10 IC Windmills

The Thang

Cupid Shuffle – in plank, horizontal kick with right foot to the right x4, then with left foot kick left x4, next alternate vertical kicks x4, finally Mtn. Climber for 4 count, repeat for duration of song. 

AMRAP each of the below for 1 minute each set

1) Partner Plank Pushes (Plank side by side a partner, alternate pushing each other)

2) Merkin pyramid (up) from 1 to whatever with alternating arm raises. Begin with 1 merkin then right arm raise, left arm raise, 2 merkins, arm raises, 3….

3) Grab block Trifecta a) curl b) air press c) skull crusher 

4) Jump rope

Same as first round, but in reverse order. Also, for merkin pyramid start at 10 and work down. 

Partner 1 takes both blocks and farmer carries to top of PL, while P2 wall sits. Flapjack and allow P2 to enjoy

P1 takes 1 block back to top of PL with block held above head, P2 planks

All, take a jump rope, run to top of PL while jumping, and back down.

Return blocks

3x rounds of quadraphilla (for Spork)

Back to LP, then white line for partner resistance run to top of PL, back down, flapjack. 

Planned for crab v. bear soccer, but ran out of time


10 IC Dr. W

10 IC Flutter kicks

5 Homer, Marge, Mr. Burns

Parking lot lap…okay 1/4 parking lot lap


  • Good number of PAX on a rainy day
  • Coffee was on point with 13 PAX and several 2.0s
  • Should have played in the wet grass
  • Nice effort by all
