Curb Your Enthusiasm

Event Date

Jun 27, 2023

Since Omega had the Q stolen from him two weeks in a row, the Q felt that he needed to bring his A game (but really, is there any other game to bring?)
Disclaimer and Warm-O-Rama
  • SSH, Windmills, IST, squats, merkins
Run half-way around the square and find some curb.  The Pax would learn to love the curb.  10 each of the following, low and slow (down on 3 up on 1)
  • Mohamed Ali
  • Curb squat (right foot on the curb)
  • Curb merkin (right had on the curb)
  • Curb squat (left foot on the curb)
  • Curb merkin (left had on the curb)
  • Curb squat (try to sit on the curb)
  • Curb dirkin
  • Regular squat (normal speed)
  • Curb incline merkin
Run halfway around the square and find some curb.  Repeato, but increase to 12.
Run halfway around the square and find some curb.  Repeato, but decrease to 8.
Run halfway around the square and find some curb.  Repeato, but decrease to 5.
Run to the breezeway for some People’s Chair and Dips, a 30 second Airborne Mind-Bender, and some low flutters.
Back to the launchpad for 15 final low slow squats.
The Burpee.
Recover, recover.
Greyhound teased Hat Trick about doing a make-up Horseshoe this morning. That might have been a better option.
Road Kill killed it this morning (although at one point I thought he may be acting like his name).
Omega kept correcting the Q on the exercise instructions. Maybe someone should let that guy lead once in a while.
Caesar kept the mumble chatter to a minimum and finished strong.
Lone Star tried to convince the Q that People’s Chair actually takes place on a bench. Nope. But he was rewarded with an Airborne Mind-Bender.
Prayers for Blackbeard and any other F3 brother out there that needs it.
Thanks for getting me out of bed this morning gents!  Always an honor.