Curry’s on the menu

Event Date

Apr 14, 2016

10 mighty PAX gathered for an evening beatdown in excellent weather to honor Davidson's favorite son – Steph Curry and his record setting season behind the 3-pt arc

Also in attendence and not registered on the web-site were 2 sets of dad's and 2.0s (2.0s – teach your dads about the web-site and help them sign up)

Bunyan (the other one), Maverick, Gable and Kaiser

War Daddy – the Good Senator

War Baby – Kaiser


SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

The assorted stretching that everyone loves in the PRoD (I call this the Crude yoga-affect)

Find a spot on the wall – 10 Wall-Jump Burpees OYO

15 Dips IC

10 Incline Merkins IC

15 Dips IC

Mosey to the school

The Thang

In honor of Steph's shooting prowess – get into groups of 3 (one group of 4)

Partner 1 – LBCs – single count – keep track

Partner 2 – Alternating Step Ups on the picnic table

Partner 3 – run down to the soccer field and back

Rotate stations until the team completes 402 LBCs = Steph's 3's for the season

Mosey to Spring Street

"Is he lost?" "Where are we going?" "This is BS"  Really?!?! – I took us 2 blocks out of the normmal routine – how about a little variety

To salute #30 – everyone ran down to the botton of Spring and back up – 3 times

Crowd Pleaser

Mosey to DUMC – pair up and each pair grab a sand bag

In an nod to the teamwork of the Warriors (stretching to keep a theme going…..)

Partner Mericans – plank facing each other – slap hands on the "3" count

Partner Sit-ups – lock ankles – pass the sandbag back and forth as each PAX does 10 sit-ups

Repeato Partner Mericans

Repeato Partner Sit-ups

Stand Back to Back – rotate and pass the rock (sandbag) betwen partners

20 loops clockwise and 20 loops counter-clockwise

Put back the bags and head for home


Not a lot of time

LBCs x 25 IC

Low Flutters x 15 IC

Rosalita x 15 IC

Elbow plank until the chimes

Recover Recover


– Always good to have the Senator at the Sweatshop.  He's like a real Senator – shaking hands and kissing babies whenever he visits the Republic

– Flatley and Hipster were out front all night – way to push the pace and great to see Hipster back at 100%

– Two 2.0's in the PAX – Sweatshop is usually good for a 2.0 sighting

– The detour to Spring Street really brought out the mumblechatter – let's do it again soon.

– 6 for post workout beers and live music on the Summit back deck.  Saw Armstrong and Ranger who were there for a meeting.  Ranger mentioned doing some recon for the Coyote.  Plan on some CSAUP 5/14.

– One of the Barrista's is an F3er who just moved to Davidson.  Younger guy – red beard – F3 handle Kringle.  If you se him – EH him.  Don't believe he's posted since he's been in town.

– We raised up Grouch's brother in COT who is going through some tough times.  Please keep him in your prayers.

– As always – an honor and pleasure to be with you men.  I always get more than I give – and I hope you got what you came for.
