Da Q was sick and had to dig deep….big time!

Event Date

Mar 28, 2016



10 posted for The River Monster yesterday. I woke up thinking, "how the $%&# am I going to get through this workout today." Felt like complete $%&# but couldn't let the pax down. Woke up this AM unable to swallow – so confirmed why i felt like crap yesterday. My typical Q is a non-stop beatdown, but as the Pax realized today…lots of mid-workout Mary and Airborne Mindbenders. Sorry for that guys…but I couldn't help it – was close to passing the Q on but dug deep!  

Creeper, who I'd put up against just about anyone – the dude is a beast, started the Pax count before I could grab my phone…and besides this is Davidson, I'm not sure I've ever seen a phone pulled out to record names. To the best of my recollection, we had Baby Ruth, Ty Webb, Caboose, Creeper, BagBoy, Captain America….ugh…don't recall others, sorry.  Perhaps #change is needed so we can start tracking everyone's hardwork and postings. I'll work on that.  If you haven't been to the River Monster, you should join us…it's got good options and Cindy is always there if needed.  Here's how she beat us up today to the best of my recollection (my mind was struggling yesterday…):

Warmorama: Run .5 miles to bottom of hill on Robert Walker.

The Thang (this is where the audible started as I realized there is a great stone wall for exercises)

  • Incline Mericans X 15IC
  • Dips X 10IC
  • Derkins X 10IC
  • Air Squats X 20IC
  • Quadrophillia back up hill (it's a long hill)
  • Run back .5 miles to parking lot (this is where i tried keeping up with Creeper and then realized – if i do this, I am going to puke)
  • Freddie Mercuries X 20IC
  • Low Flutter X 10IC
  • Airborne Mindbender X 1 minute (first sign, unknown to the pax, i was not feeling well)
  • Grab 2 Cinderblocks
    • Farmer carry to middle of lot
    • Mericans X 10IC
    • Farmer carry to end of lot
    • Air squats X 20IC
    • Chest Press with Cindy X 10IC
    • Lat Pull Overs with Cindy X 10IC
    • Freddie Mercuries, Low Flutter, and Airborne Mindbender (same as above)
    • Farmer Carry back to middle of lot
    • 10 Count…
    • Farmer Carry to end of lot
    • Big Baby Crunch and Airborne Mindbender (YHC asked the Pax to reflect on what Sunday (Easter) really meant to us
    • CB Curls X 10IC
    • Shoulder Press X 10IC
    • Put blocks back
  • Crawl Bear to middle of parking lot
  • Circle up for Mary
  • With 2 minutes left, YHC made the mistake of calling on BagBoy for Mary.  We did a one legged lift thing X 10 each leg and dollies X 10, without every touching the ground.  This hurt and was a reminder to not call on Bag Boy for Mary – but it really was good…just hurt!
  • COT – thanks to Bag Boy for taking us out today for a great prayer today as always.  Inspired us all to go do something good for someone else that we know, or don't know.


  • The backblast is officially in for the River Monster!  Thanks Lego for calling me out #accountable even though i thought using Spring Break as an excuse was a great idea. #fail
  • While I didn't indicate i felt like crap, guessing some guys where saying "WTF is Ditka doing with Airborne Mindbenders in the middle of the workout…it's not like him…"  Sorry guys.  
  • That was my first time working out with Creeper. I've heard about him, and everything I heard is true.  I don't think the guy breathed heavy once during the workout.
  • Thanks to Ty Webb and Caboose for making the trip to Davidson for the non-murph Monday.
  • Baby Ruth's first post at River Monster.  Texted me later saying he loved it – meaning he hated it.
  • Cindy worked us today on the farmer carrys for sure.  Those will wear anyone's arms out for sure #feelingittoday
  • If you haven't Q'd River Monster, the Calendar is open and Wingman would appreciate it.  Lots of options. As the daylight starts coming up earlier, there is an entire soccer field and diamond to do work in.  

Until next time – Ditka