Dads and 2.0s Combine for a “Walk” in the Park

2.0s not in PAX List: Ca-chow (Capone), Miss Sassy Malassy (Turnpike), Tuffy (Don Ho), Iceman (Titan), Log, Snoopy, Banana (Snoopy), Sky Ninja (Calypso), Flower Child (Thug), PB&J, Pinky Pie (9-Lives), Cuddles the Shark, Fearless (Jolly Roger)


13 2.0s, 10 Dads responsible for those 2.0s and 3 2.0-less Dads posted in some colder than expected temps for a workout that might have been a bit more intense than anticipated. Here is what took place. All exercises in cadence unless noted.


Gather up and mosey around the 4 corner cones placed out on the field and and at the center cone. Circle up.

SSH x 15, Windmill x 10, IST x 10, Plank Jack x 10, Cotton Picker x 10, Inchworm 'Mericans x 10, Arm Circles

The Thang

Mosey to baseball field and line-up single file at Home Plate.

Dragon Walk to first base, Lunge Walk to second base, Bear Crawl to third base, Alternating Side Lunge to Home Plate

Line-up at Home Plate again, this time 2.0s up front as a team and Dads in back as a team. Sprint the bases. Losing team has to do Burpees. Unfortunately, some of the Dads (JR & Titan) cheated. 

Kids watch and count out while the Dads complete 10 Burpees.

Dragon Walk to first base, Lunge Walk to second base, Bear Crawl to third base, Alternating Side Lunge to Home Plate

Sprint bases again. No penalty this time.

Mosey to picnic table area.

Incline 'Mericans x 10, Step-ups R Leg x 10, Step-ups L Leg x 10, Dips x 10.


Mosey back to the field and center cone where it all started for the 5-Points Exercise

Center Cone – LBCs x 10, Back Right cone – Squats x 10, Center Cone – LBCs x 10, Front Right Cone – Carolina Dry Dock x 10, Center Cone – LBCs x 10, Front Left Cone – Peter Parkers x 10, Center Cone – LBCs x 10, Back Left Cone – Hand Release 'Mericans x 10 (actually completed back at center cone due to ant mounds), Center Cone – LBCs x 10

Line-up at Mid-Field, Dad's in Plank position while 2.0s complete Tunnel of Love followed by Cack-a-lacka Choo-choo. 

Line-up again for a Sprint Race. 2.0s got a head start. Dads nearly caught them. Penalty for all… Broad Jump Burpees for 20yds)


Calypso – Low Flutter x 10

Blackbeard – Rosalita x 15

Turnpike – J-Lo x 10

9-Lives – X's & O's x 10

Up-Downs completed on Q's "Go" for 2mins. During last min, 2.0s jumped on Dads before they could get up.



Awesome work by the 2.0s. What an awesome experience to see Dads truly involved and encouraging activity and fitness along with fellowship.

Typical mumblechatter brought out by Incognitians and other PAX, however, the 2.0s also jumped in. In true fashion, YHC did much of the true counting on his own.

Also, some BS calls provided (Blackbeard) without actually saying BS because it appears that some were expecting a cupcake type of morning. Sorry to disappoint. Hope you all had fun!

This workout offered a positive net calorie morning, as Donuts, Coffee and Gatorade were provided afterward. Basically the same as attending Planet Fitness.

One thing I learned today, is the apple does not fall far from the tree. I'm looking at you, Titan, Jolly Roger, Calypso and 9-Lives…

Thank you to Jedi for allowing me to lead this group today. This is certainly a highlight for me in the time that I have been involved with F3. Seeing the passion and effort that the 2.0s had this morning trying to emulate the activity of their Fathers was awesome. Dads, you took the opportunity to put a smile on your 2.0s face while at the same time providing a valuable learning environment. Well done. HIM!!!