Damascus is a ruck workout designed to facilitate "all 3 F's". We get in about 3 walking miles – pick your weight, or pick zero weight, while discussing faith topics and finishing it off with fellowship.
3rd F – Discussion Questions:
- Were you taught about God in your home as a child?
- Who/what do you think God is? Why?
- Do you teach your family about God? How?
2nd F
- 15 minutes open convo
1st F
- 2.8 miles
- 10 merkins with ruck IC
- Lot's of good discussion this morning! It was a pleasure getting to hear some of the deeper things from FGF and Squiggy.
- I would love to see some new faces at Damascus to get other perspectiives. Iron sharpens iron!
- Teachers and students starting school
- -I know I'm forgetting one
…hope you got your money's worth!