Damn Man Alarm Fail

Event Date

Oct 07, 2020


Jolly suggested a run from the SBux on Gilead starting a little later than usual, 0630. I HC'd quickly because I don't mind the extra sleep. Mooch SC'd because well, he's Mooch. T-Bone HC'd but sent a message on Slack at 0623 saying he was out.

I arrived around 0625, shortly after Mooch rolled in. We milled around until 0635, no sign of the Q so we took off. We ran two laps and then enjoyed some coffee.


  • We texted Jolly to make sure he was okay and he responded quickly with some sort of I don't know how to set the alarm on my iPhone even though I've had one for years excuse
  • We pushed a little on the first mile, settled in for the next two, and then pushed a little harder for the last one
  • Crocs rolled through Sbux but didn't stop to chat long
  • Lawndart showed up, joined us for coffee and we talked at length about the Huntersville Half

