Danger Zone

Event Date

Jun 23, 2022


8 men posted at Java this morning including first post FNG Zack from Seattle. 

Disclaimer was given before we hit the road. Run with a Pain Stations

Warm O rama: Windmill, Imperial Storm Trooper, Carrot Puller

Here we go, routes was pretty easy

Left on Birkdale Commons Parkway

Right on Babe Stillwell Farm Road

Right on Sam Furr Road ( Disclaimer, short run with no side walk. DANGER ZONE ) stop at main entrance Blythe Landing Park

Back to AO Summit Coffee parking lot

Pain Stations: 

Merkin Time Bomb ( 5-4-3-2-1 Boom! ) 

LBC 10x IC

Squats 10x IC

Low Flutter 15x IC

Carolina Dry Dock in the curb 10x IC

Dips 10x IC

Shoulder Touch Merkins 10x IC

Rosalita 10x IC

More Low Flutter by Stapler


It's an honor to lead my brothers this morning. Great work by all.

YHC first ever Java Q. I really enjoyed it except the humid. It sucks!

Welcome FNG Zack. Come back tomorrow for your F3 name. Good work brother. BTW, He's fast. Thanks to Omega for EHing Zack. 

We did ran 3.21 total miles 

It's good to see some old faces and new faces. Stapler, Black Sox and Shorty became a runner. Nice work. Stromboli was beastmode this morning. nothing can stop him. RESPECT brother. 

Happy Birthday Shorty!

Also, we have the Goatbusters ran different routes. Good work fellas.

Omega took us out. Thank you brother

Big thank you to Thug for allowing me to Q. Remember folks, If you're planning to Q at Java there's only one rule, 5K! no matter what pace your in. everyone is welcome and no man left behind.

Until next time



